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First Time Watching Doctor Who - Series 8 REVIEW

What an introduction to Peter Capaldi’s Doctor. The TARDIS is coughed up by a gigantic dinosaur in Victorian London and the newly regenerated Doctor comes crashing out. Also, I LOVE the new design of the titles. Peter Capaldi’s Doctor already feels so distinguished from the others, that bubbling anger mixed with the struggle to understand human emotion that was touched upon at times by Matt Smith’s Doctor (particularly during “The Beast Below” or “Flesh and Stone”). The whole interaction between the Doctor and the homeless man was brilliant, especially when you see him wearing the coat.
The restaurant scene with the Doctor and Clara develops both of their characters so beautifully, the relationship between them feels so different from any other Doctocompanion relationship we’ve had so far and the chemistry flows wonderfully. The half-face man villain is a terrifying concept and the design is great, I love the practical effect of the moving eyeball and ticking robot - it reminded me a little of the clockwork robots from “The Girl in the Fireplace”. We get another great restaurant conversation between the Doctor and the half-face man. I adore the little moment when the Doctor holds up the plate as a mirror but is also looking at himself on the other side whilst explaining his changing face. The ambiguity of whether the Doctor pushed him was so unnerving, particularly that shot of the Doctor looking straight to camera.
Clara’s phone call with Matt Smith’s Doctor was a very sweet and quiet moment that wrapped up her relationship with Smith’s Doctor beautifully. I like the idea of this Doctor needing a companion as a bridge between human emotion and his cocktail of confusing feelings, instead of the usual Doctor heralding his superior intellect over an unimportant human person that is in awe of him. Both Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman (no Louise now?) give fantastic performances, and Clara’s character feels different but so much better in this episode than all of Series 7.
We’re finally getting another Dalek story that isn’t just them cropping up randomly. Even the opening moment with Peter Capaldi making Blue ask him politely instead of threatening him, already such a great little insight into his character. Then we get the main premise being shrinking a team of people to go inside a patient and cure them from inside our. It’s a concept that’s been used many times but I like the twist of the “patient” being the Doctor’s greatest enemy; a Dalek.
The Doctor and Clara’s relationship continues to develop and I like that they’re still figuring each other out, not just jumping straight into being super close like Tennant and Rose when he last regenerated with a companion. It’s an interesting contrast with Danny Pink and the Doctor and the idea of soldiers that’s cropped up a few times over the series. The Doctor and Clara, inevitably, join the team entering the Dalek and the effects of them entering in that void space was beautiful. I don’t know if the show suddenly got a higher budget but the show is already so much more cinematic and beautifully shot.
Capaldi’s Doctor is already more ruthless, giving that soldier a false sense of hope before he dies and basically all his interactions with the soldiers. The slime made of dead people was disgusting and made me think of the tongue from “The Beast Below”. Clara calling out the Doctor for being pleased that he was right was a very valid point. I feel like that whole point has been better explored in this episode than the whole of “Victory of the Daleks”. The Doctor meeting the big goopy Dalek thing was another great design and I actually quite liked the CGI heavy design of the Doctor projecting himself inside the mind of the Dalek. The idea of the Doctor being a “good Dalek” is such a nuanced line given the show’s history. And then the moment of Blue wanting to travel with the Doctor compared to Clara’s budding relationship with Pink isn’t very subtle but I still found it quite interesting.
I must confess that I LOVE Robin Hood so when I saw the beginning and title of this episode I was already excited. Clara looks adorable in her costume, I also really like that Robin Hood and the merry men are wearing the fun campy outfits. The cheesiness of old Robin Hood films and shows is honoured wonderfully and I could understand if someone didn’t like or wasn’t familiar with them and disliked this episode but, as I said, this is right up my street. I like the Doctor’s obsession with proving Robin Hood isn’t real, it reminds me a bit of Ross from Friends trying to convince Phoebe about evolution but less annoying. I liked how they filmed the arrows being shot, this series definitely feels really well crafted.
Clara continues to be developed brilliantly, I like the touches of her being a natural teacher telling off the Doctor and Robin like naught schoolboys. The Doctor being petty was very silly but Peter Capaldi does snarky so well. I wasn’t sure about Tom Riley as Robin Hood at first but I warmed up to him as the episode went on. The conclusion of the episode was a little silly firing the golden arrow but it fitted in with the overall campy feeling of the episode. The setting of the episode was done brilliantly, the castle and the forest and the contrast with the metallic-looking spaceship was gorgeous. My favourite Mark Gatiss episode since “The Unquiet Dead” and, weirdly, the weakest of his titles.
EPISODE 4 - LISTEN - 10/10
I love the idea of exploring what the Doctor does when he’s alone. It’s like the other end of what David Tennant did in his sort of “victory tour” episodes and what could’ve happened in between. I love the small episodes of character exploration, and this episode explored both the Doctor and Clara as people so beautifully. The concept of someone hiding under the bed is so simple but so scary and, like a lot of the ideas in this series so far, a concept that is so simple but surprising it hasn’t been done before. I feel like this series has done a great job of not overdoing ideas like it has in the past, and this episode feels like a fantastic example of exploring one idea in depth.
The episode is shot beautifully, I particularly loved the shot of Peter Capaldi sat on top of the TARDIS. This episode felt like it was shot like an old school horror film. We get a sort of side-by-side exploration of the Doctor and then Clara’s character through her disastrous date with Danny. I’m already liking Danny. Mickey and Rory felt like they were cut from the same cloth at times and Danny definitely feels like his own person when Rory at times wasn’t given much of a character and was treated as just Amy’s boyfriend. We even get a very sweet exploration into Danny’s character through his childhood. Actually I think we get more insight into Danny in this episode than we got in 3 series worth of Rory in my opinion. The child actor playing Rupert is great, especially when good child actors feel quite rare on Doctor Who. The idea or Rupert changing his name to Danny felt similar to Amy changing her name from Amelia - letting go of a sad childhood.
I really felt for Clara this episode, having to deal with the young Rupert then contrasting him with present day Danny and then her future ancestor that looks like him. Jenna Coleman does a great job of conveying all that panic and emotion without going over the top. She and Capaldi are both spectacular this episode, both apart and together. I loved the little moments of the Doctor being pessimistic and Clara telling him off like the schoolteacher she is.
The spaceship was very simple and not particularly different but it worked really well in the dark colour palette and feel of the episode. I really loved the red lighting in the parts they travel to the future as well, such a beautifully designed episode. The whole episode links the whole show together with that moment with Clara and the very young Doctor. I loved the little nod with John Hurt and how it answers so many questions with nuance and elegance. I loved everything about this episode, I like the idea of being a sort of companion piece to “Midnight” as it explores similar ideas.
The memory worm is back and in spectacular fashion. I really enjoyed the domestic opening with the Doctor and Clara and the hints of them just trying to figure out each other and what their relationship is. Another great episode concept with the memory wipe, and the “monster” of the Teller that can detect guilt is fascinating. The design of the bank is also great, it reminded me of Gringotts from Harry Potter.
The spoonhead people are just creepy enough without being too graphic. I’m glad they didn’t go too graphic because it wouldn’t have fit the fun action movie feel of the episode. The supporting characters or Psy and Saibra were fun, maybe a little underused, but the camaraderie between the four of them felt earned by the end. I liked the moment of the Doctor refusing to allow himself to feel guilt when Psy gets cross at him because of the Teller.
I loved Keeley Hawes as Mrs Delphox, another in a long line of respected British actresses guest starring in Doctor Who. The reveal of the Teller felt very reminiscent of the monsters in “Hide” but I think worked a bit better, the Teller always felt like a prisoner itself similar to the Star Whale from “The Beast Below”. The reveal of Mrs Delphox being two people was a little bit of a cop out but Keeley Hawes pulled it off very well. I liked the moment of the older Mrs Delphox calling the Doctor on her deathbed, a bit of a call back to Matt Smith’s phone call in “Deep Breath”. The ending was very “The Wizard of Oz'' but it was the sort of episode that had to have a happy ending.
This is the sort of episode that we used to get when Russell T. Davies wrote the show where the companion would have an adventure on Earth that would lead to their family discovering the world of time travel. We got a kind of version of this with Rory’s dad but it took 3 series, and whilst Amy was said to have parents the show seemed to have completely forgot they even existed after that one episode. Clara’s family isn’t touched upon this episode, her ties to Earth seems to only be Danny and her job as a schoolteacher despite some mentions of her dad. Angie and Artie seem to have disappeared entirely. I like Capaldi’s version of the Doctor’s childish traits being straight-up obliviousness like the coat being a disguise or Clara’s boyfriend must be the man with the bow tie and suspenders.
The idea of Clara being stuck in the middle of the Doctor and Danny was explored in a way they never did with Rose and Mickey or Amy and Rory. I like that it explored just how emotionally tolling it is on Clara to balance a life with two different men she has different relationships with where both men don’t quite understand the importance of her relationship with the other. I do like that Danny has a whole other reaction to the TARDIS and the Doctor’s world to other people, he doesn’t just accept it straight away and join them happily (that was always something that bothered me about Rory).
The monster of the week is a bit of a weak point. I get the idea of a character study being not very Doctor Who but for an episode set in a school it was a bit of a weak villain that didn’t quite fit with the rest of the premise. I thought “School Reunion” did a better job at using the school premise. I didn’t like the addition of Courtney being a bigger character, the small moments of the annoying schoolgirl worked at times but she was a little overused - her seeing inside the TARDIS felt a little annoying.
This episode felt very reminiscent of “The Waters of Mars” to me, I think just the space station setting and eerie atmosphere. The tone of it felt quite familiar. I LOVED the aesthetic of the moon’s surface and they found a way to make the design of the space station a little different, as I’ve noticed there’s been a few space stations this series already. I really didn’t like Courtney as a companion this episode, she brought absolutely nothing to the story and was just a pointless pain. It would have worked so much better had it been a way of doing the trope I explained in the last episode of introducing the companion’s family to the Doctor’s world. If the show remembered Clara had a dad and used him in Courtney’s place it could have been an interesting insight into Clara and who she was before the Doctor.
The design of the spider is very clever in that we never see it in perfect lighting. As someone with a fear of spiders I found this episode very creepy, the whole feeling of this episode was incredibly creepy. The moon being an egg is such a Doctor Who idea (like Queen Victoria being a werewolf or Stonehenge being made by aliens).
Another deep insight into character, leaving Clara alone to become the Doctor. It’s sort of an interesting parallel to “The Beast Below” in the decision to save one creatures at the expense of another. We get such an interesting development of the Doctor’s character in the section that he’s absent from the story, exploring the effect of the aftermath of his interference through Clara’s eyes. Her angry reaction is very earned and brilliantly executed by Jenna Coleman. The writers have done a fabulous job, as has Coleman, of adding so much depth to Clara and developing her as a character that feels so different to other companions. I love that Clara is not blindly in awe of the Doctor the way people like Rose and Amy and even Donna were.
Clara wants to have one last adventure with the Doctor before they part ways. I like the idea of travelling with the Doctor being like an addiction and with all we’ve learnt about Clara through Series 8 it feels right that she’s one of the companions that dips in and out of the Doctor’s adventures. It’s sort of like how Jack pops in and out but then he always seemed like he wanted to stay.
The design of the Orient Express is gorgeous, this series has had spectacular production design. The shot of the train floating through space was also gorgeous. The mummy is a fantastic design and a great use of the mummy concept, using the best parts of mummy mythology (probably the best use after the way the show used vampires and werewolves). I loved the idea of the passengers being gathered as experts in their fields to solve the mystery of the mummy - and the Doctor being the smartest and yet only there by chance. The small insights into the supporting characters through their interactions with the mummy, like the Captain who uses all reason but in his last moments tries to bargain in a fit of fear. So beautifully done.
Perkins was a great supporting character, his journey from awe to anger to distrust of the Doctor was interesting and just subtle enough to fit with an already packed episode. Gus was a great villain, a great little bit of voice acting from the legendary John Sessions. It’s an interesting conclusion that we don’t get some big reveal about who Gus is and I really like that. Also such a great way to explore the idea that the Doctor is heartless, what’s felt like an underlying theme of Capaldi’s Doctor ever since “Deep Breath”. Their conversation on the beach in which it’s left somewhat ambiguous is a lovely touch. Again, similar to the ambiguity of the Doctor pushing the Half-Face man in “Deep Breath”. Fabulous episode. Gorgeous costumes and production design, and continued fantastic performances. The best acted series so far.
In a series in which I’ve noted the stories have used quite simple somewhat obvious ideas but executed them well, this episode used a whole new concept but executed it with just as much skill. The TARDIS is shrinking, with the Doctor stuck inside, leaving Clara to play Doctor whilst carrying around the small TARDIS in her handbag. It’s so silly but just works. It’s amazing that Coleman and Capaldi can have such great chemistry and banter without even being in the same room, sort of similar to Oswin and the Doctor in “Asylum of the Daleks”.
The story feels sort of like let’s do a better version of “Fear Her” with the idea of drawings whilst at the same time feeling completely separate. Clara recruiting Biggsy as her own companion was a really fun idea, and he’s a great companion. I like the moments of her dismissing him asking if she liked his graffiti being similar to the Doctor’s dismissal of people.
I wasn’t sure about the graffiti then coming to life out of the walls but then I did really like the effect of them being static-like instead of fully formed. The moment where the Doctor uses his hand to crawl along the train tracks was the silliest thing ever and I LOVED it! The Doctor spends the whole episode stuck inside the TARDIS instructing Clara and in a way is sort of a no-Doctor episode like “Love and Monsters” and “Blink” but with an already established character taking the lead. I like the idea that Clara is trying too hard to be like the Doctor. Missy crops up again, she’s been collecting all the dead people throughout the series and it’s definitely leading up to her being the villain in the finale which I’m excited about because I adore Michelle Gomez.
This episode brings back one of my least favourite Doctor Who tropes of annoying children played by bad child actors. It’s a sweet idea to make Maeve a primary character to the story but it doesn’t really work as she’s not very interesting or important to the story overall, a bit like the child Queen from “The Rings of Akhaten”. Again, it does the Clara being tied to Earth but, again, not by her family who she doesn’t seem to ever see.
It’s an interesting concept for an episode, and the comparison between the ice age just happening was interesting. The conclusion of Maeve’s sister hiding in a bush the whole time makes no sense and is one of the stupidest things the show has done. Another episode in a long line of great titles of not great episodes. The forest looked really great, all the green was really beautiful, and it was an interesting concept that I just don’t think explored the full potential of what the story could have been.
It’s another episode that is really exploring Clara’s dynamic with the Doctor and Danny but it doesn’t really add anything new to the dynamic as all it really does is re-iterate what previous episodes have stated as if we haven’t understood, the only thing it adds is Danny finding out Clara is still travelling with the Doctor. The Doctor and Clara have a similar, but less effective, argument as they did in “Kill the Moon” but here it just feels like a rehash.
It’s the first two-parter of the series. I like the idea of a series of single adventures leading up to a bit two-part finale. The Cybermen are back and FINALLY a good villain again. The main premise of the episode is Danny dying a human death in a car accident, and Clara trying to use the Doctor to bring him back. It’s an interesting comment on Clara that her first thought is to threaten the Doctor beside a volcano instead of just simply asking him. Peter Capaldi does a fantastic job of conveying silent anger and his line about Clara betraying him not changing how he cares for her is fantastic. Actually the whole conversation between them in the TARDIS is beautifully written dialogue.
Danny has been sent to “heaven” but we soon learn it’s a ruse and the dead bodies are being turned into Cybermen by Missy. The moment it’s revealed to the audience through the doors closing is brilliantly done, and then the dark water thinning to reveal the skeletons as Cybermen is equally chilling. Clara, again, is playing Doctor and it’s interesting how her conversation with Danny the Cybermen says so much about how dangerous it is for her and those around her. THEN we get a second big reveal that puts the Cybermen to shame. Missy is really the Master. It’s a great reveal, in fact much better than both River Song and the Impossible Girl because it actually makes sense and is very satisfying. Michelle Gomez is deliciously camp and has hints of both Mary Poppins and the Joker but makes it work so seamlessly.
The series finale (only 12 episodes, I don’t know if this was done on purpose because Peter Capaldi is the 12th Doctor but I like it as a theory). I love the reintroduction of Osgood and Kate, they were both fabulous in “The Day of the Doctor”. I liked the little bit with the Doctor and Kate asking about the payroll. The Doctor being the President of Earth is a little silly but I like how it ties into River name dropping it in a past episode (I don’t remember which).
Again, Clara is trying to be the Doctor and her conversation with the Cybermen Danny shows why that’s so bad and so dangerous for both her and everyone around her. The Doctor and Missy work brilliantly together, I loved the bit of the Doctor gloating over Missy how he’s got all the power she wanted. And the little moments with Osgood were very sad but so well done, Missy going from singing “Oh Missy” to shooting her then dancing around was fantastic and I can’t imagine anyone but Michelle Gomez doing it with such conviction. And then she reveals herself as the woman in the shop that brought the Doctor and Clara together in the first place was a great little tidbit.
I find graveyards incredibly creepy anyway, and they utilised the creepiness in this episode to the full. The comparison of the soldier storyline between the Doctor and Danny finally comes to a conclusion, and Danny’s point about the Doctor keeping his hands clean hit hard. Jenna Coleman broke my heart when she deactivated Danny then wouldn’t let him go, she did a fantastic job playing the human part next to Peter Capaldi and Michelle Gomez giving brilliantly big performances. Capaldi just fabulously delivers a cocktail of emotions with great conviction, and the moments of Mission: Impossible action scenes were cheesy but brilliant.
This has definitely been my favourite series of the show so far. Capaldi had been excellent, already my favourite Doctor. Jenna Coleman upped her game and Clara is fast becoming my favourite companion, maybe tying with Donna for that top spot at the moment. Michelle Gomez was also fabulously mad, and Samuel Anderson also gave a great nuanced but quiet performance as Danny. Steven Moffat really upped his game in writing, there were some incredible episodes this series. The only dud for me was “In the Forest of the Night”.
EDIT: Somehow managed to miss out my review for “In the Forest of the Night”. I like the idea someone said that I hated it so much I didn’t even review it!
submitted by Potterhead239 to gallifrey [link] [comments]

Arkham City: An Open World Game From A Simpler Time

Like the title suggest playing Arkham City in 2021 is like looking in an open world time capsule. The map is small, there is a minimum of twelve side quest, one real major collectible, and one short DLC story with no season pass. It’s pretty refreshing to play an open world game that isn’t trying to be “bigger and better” than the one that came out two months ago. What is “bigger and better” about Arkham City compared to its predecessor is the story. Instead of being isolated on a prison island you are now trapped in a walled off city filled with even more dangerous thugs and deranged criminals. To make matters worse Batman and along with several patients of Gothams hospitals have been infected with Jokers poisoned Titan blood and unless a cure is found within hours everyone infected will die. And just to add onto Bruce’s streak of shitty luck he must also uncover what this mysterious “Protocol 10” is that warden Hugo Strange is plan on initiating the very same night. I applaud the plot which embraces the comic book roots, if this wasn’t a game I could see this being a story line in the comics (probably from Scott Snyder or James Tynion IV).
As you traverse and explore Arkham City you get to see just how ugly it looks and I mean that in the best way. It looks broken down, the highways have been destroyed (if I remember correctly this section of Gotham was ravaged by an Earthquake), trash is everywhere, and some buildings have succumbed to the rising sea water. In fact you constantly hear about how much life sucks within the walls due to eavesdropping on their conversations and some of them are pretty amusing to listen to. The cast members for the new villains are excellent, Nolan North is unrecognizable as Penguin with his cockney (I believe it was a cockney accident). Troy Baker is exactly what I imagine Two-Face and Harvey to sound like, while he would not get more dialogue until Arkham Knight (conversation for another time), he was perfect with what little screen time he was given. And Kevin Conroy was absolutely chilling as Hush, it’s nice to see Kevin show his range as an actor and that he is just as good as playing the villain. Corey Burton is the definitive Hugo Strange (not that Strange gets to be in many games or shows) with his monotone and authoritative delivery. You always feel Strange is a step ahead of you and the more confident he gets the more satisfying it is when you finally punch him in the face. There was some casting I wasn’t 100% sold on. Tara Strong as Harley Quinn is so so. On paper this should have worked, hell I wanted it to work, but she is always using a high pitched voiced and it can get very irritating. Dee Bradly Baker portrays an intelligent and sophisticated Ra’s Al Ghul, but I always imagine Ra’s having a more deeper voice, but still Baker does a good job. And Troy pulls double duty by voicing Robin which is another odd choice. Maybe it’s because Tim is a teenager in the comics and in a lot of cartoons so seeing him as an adult is an interesting, but weird take.
The combat has, maybe improved is not the best word to use, but more like expanded, as the old saying goes “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” and Rocksteady kept the combat mechanics unchanged and instead added more takedown variations and gadgets. What is improved on is the predator combat segments. In Arkham Asylum after a while those stealth missions didn’t have any variety, but in here you will face enemies that can spot you on the gargoyles with thermal goggles and some will have jammers that interfere with Detective Mode rendering it useless until you take out that particular thug. Boss battles have more variety to them now. You fight Ra’s on another worldly plane, you have to stand toe to toe with Solomon Grundy, you slash up Clayface with a sword, and when up against Mr. Freeze you have to think of new strategies on the fly. Once you finish up the story and side missions it is time to take on “Riddler’s Revenge” aka the combat and predator trials. If you’re to use to playing as Batman why not try out some new skins? My personal favorites were Dark Knight Returns, Batman Beyond, Batman Inc., and Sinestro Corp (disappointed we didn’t get Red Son). You can also switch skins in the campaign, but it’s really weird as you have to enter a cheat code on the main menu. Could there really not be a “select skin” choice in the options menu? If you are tired of playing as Batman then why not play as Catwoman, Robin or Nightwing each with their own play styles. Catwoman had her own story missions, but they were rather short. Which makes sense as her means of travel are complicated because you have to climb onto buildings. She feels much more suited for these combat trials. Robin is also fun to play as, but my personal favorite is Nightwing who plays like a dream. He wasn’t even in the story and doesn’t have any win quotes, but I am just happy he is here at all.
My one complaint I have are the Riddler trophies. What were once the fun collectibles have become more trouble then they are worth was you have to solve puzzles, the more you solve you will get the location of one of Riddler’s hostages. The trophies and riddles were fun in Asylum because 90% would lead you to a fun little easter egg. Some of them do that here as well, but there are a lot more and now they just feel like a chore instead of being fun, kind of big misfire when you are making a game isn’t it.
Is Arkham City better than Asylum? In my opinion yes and it is still my favorite of the Arkham franchise. The fact that it isn’t as overwhelming compared to todays open world games will make for a more welcoming experience.
submitted by Hill417 to patientgamers [link] [comments]

Fixing Venom(2018) by adding Spider-Man.

Okay here me out. I was very disappointed with this movie, I always loved the idea of watching superhero movie through the villains eyes. His origin everything and even add a cool twist at the end you’ll see. The Joker only did the origin but I want to make Spider-Man part to venoms story, of course we’ll have to make Eddie Brock someone we can root for but at the same time we also know Spider-Man is a superhero, so here it goes my rewrite hope you enjoy. This will also be R-rated.
The cast stays the same by the way we only add Spider-Man I’ll tell you who plays him later. The film begins with a kid arguing with his father and he goes outside to play football, the ball goes to the street and he goes to pick it up but a car runs over him.
Then a random homeless person being kidnapped, taken to Life Foundation where he begins to be tested we see one of the symbiotes which is Venom will posses that homeless person and then it dies. We see Dr Otto Octavius played by Mark Hamill instead of Drake yes this is a different universe and I will change a few things here and there, Doc Ock is being disappointed that the symbiotes aren’t working. After that we see Eddie Brock waking up just like in the movie, his girlfriends there, now Eddie Brock has a robotic arm, it is implied that maybe the kid at the beginning of the film was him, his arm got run over by that car and they had to cut it. The rest goes the same way, his a journalist the only difference is his in New York, let’s add J.Jonah Jameson back, played by J.K Simmons and Peter Parker too, im not sure who could play him. Not Tobey Maguire cause Venom already exists in his universe, I was thinking of Andrew Garfield but Sony actually fires Andrew Garfield for something he did wrong and I think that Andrew can’t work with Sony again who knows maybe that’s not true but if they just cast another actor I’d choose between Jake Gyllenhaal, Drake Bell(Ultimate Spider-Man voice actor) or Adam Scott. This version of Peter Parker is different cause his older in his late 20s early 30s.
During this film, Eddie will be a lovable rouge asshole kind of like Han Solo or Tony Stark. Those characters have something similar, they bully the lovable hero nerd aka for Han it’s Luke Skywalker, for Tony it’s Captain America and for Brock it’s Peter. Eddie is basically a bully towards Peter on the outside his cocky but on the inside his insecure he wants to be acknowledged as a better reporter but Peter always takes the best pictures of Spider-Man. Eddies father is also present in this film who is disappointed in him due to him not being successful enough and that his dream of being a journalist and exposing bad people is trash.
Just like in the film Eddie goes to expose the Life Foundation, meets with Octavius, Peter Parker is also there cause his friends with Otto and Eddie has another excuse to bully and hate him since he believes that the Life Foundation is evil however his “evidence” isn’t that great and sort of weird sounds too conspiracy so they shut him out and almost fire him. Eddie was actually born in San Francisco he used to be a journalist there until he accidentally falsely accused to the media that a man was a murderer when it was actually someone else, just like in the comics.
Eddie goes on a date with his girlfriend and the rest goes the same, his friends with that homeless lady, girl at the store. Then at night he checks his girlfriends computer and does the same selfish thing he does in the film. He tries to expose Life Foundation with genuine evidence, but they fire him, and his girlfriend breaks up with him. Dora also goes to him to warm him about what they’re doing he doesn’t want to so he gets drunk at night he goes to visit his ex girlfriend trying to win her back, he sees a strange car parked outside and he sees a man coming out, he hides and then when the man leaves he goes inside and finds her dead. He calls the cops and then realizes that Life Foundation is coming after him since that’s why they killed his gf. So he decides to call the only person he actually knows cause he doesn’t have a lot of friends and that is Peter Parker.
He goes to Peters apartment and explains everything, Peter is just there and he says that Otto Octavius isn’t a bad person because he knew Peters father and they where friends, Peter has known Otto since he was a kid his like a father to him. Otto also has cancer, which would explain why he is testing the symbiotes to cure himself however Peter doesn’t know about them. Eddie doesn’t trust him, but Peter lets him stay. The next morning Eddie finds out that Peter called the cops on Eddie since his suspected for the death of his girlfriend, Eddie hates Peter even more not only did he stole the spotlight from Daily Bugle but also gave him to the police, Eddie tries to punch Peter but he dodges it. The cops take him and are going to kill him in an alley but Spider-Man arrives, and saves him, Eddie tries to talk to him really quickly about the Life Foundation and Spidey simply says “I’ll look into it” and leaves. Eddie then goes to the Life Foundation with Dora, the same scene happens where he finds the homeless lady he is friends with, he takes pictures of what’s happened and he gets possessed by Venom, he runs to his apartment all of this is the same. He talks with Venom, fights some Life Foundation dudes and jumps to the water. It is revealed that the reason Eddie and Venom bonded is they both have the same fears which are rejection. They’re both being rejected by people, Eddie by his father and his job while Venom well all the hosts that died where sort of like rejections. Meanwhile Otto is furious to know what happened and he sends people to look for Eddie, meanwhile he has created robotic arms that will help him control the symbiotes without getting possessed.
He then tries to get his job back and looks for Jameson who is at an event with Peter Parker, Eddie arrives looking like shit and hungry we can get that funny scene of him eating the lobsters, then the Life Foundation SWAT arrive everyone goes out except for Eddie who turns into Venom and completely destroys the SWAT team remember this is rated R which makes it better. Spider-Man then arrives and we have our first badass fight scene between them. This fight scene will be just them jumping from roof to roof around New York big badass fight scene, Venom is almost about to win until he takes Spider-Man’s mask off and it’s Peter Parker who manages to fight them off and uses fire as a distraction to weaken Venom then he knocks Eddie out. Now we have that scene of Eddie at the hospital but it’s now Peter and a doctor called Dan which could easily be a friend of his that knows his secret identity. It will be revealed that the symbiotes have 2 weaknesses fire and high pitches noises. Peter uses the MRI machine to help Brock separate from the symbiote. Brock is then captured by Ottos men.
Peter was simply hiding because now he is suspecting of Otto. He goes and talks to him and due to his spider sense he is clearly hiding something, he also sees his robotic arms he has created. Eddie is then questioned but like the film he doesn’t know where it is, then Spider-Man meets with the Venom symbiote and gets sort of possessed, there’s where we will have a little fanservice of the black suit, Venom tells Peter that if they don’t find Eddie and bond soon Peter will die since he hasn’t bonded completely with Peter only with the suit that’s why Peter isn’t completely monstrous Venom like Eddie is. And also the symbiotes can’t last long so they need a host to survive.
Peter doesn’t care about saving Venom only Eddie but since Venom has sort of possessed him he has to deal with it and he breaks into the Life Foundation and saves Eddie. Venom bonds with Eddie again, and Doctor Octopus decides to use a small particle of the Venom symbiote to see if it works on him and it sort of does but he doesn’t completely turn into Venom he just goes crazy, he is still Doctor Octopus. He goes to attack the city, Spider-Man and Eddie talk about what happened Peter tells him that he needs to get rid of that thing, Eddie is skeptical about it since he likes the power but also the ability to help people. Eddie tells him about why he was fired in San Francisco and how his mother was killed by a man and he was trying so hard to find that killer and he framed another man accidentally, this story relates to Peter and he tells him about his uncle that dies from a mugging. Peter then leaves to fight Doctor Octopus, meanwhile Venom and Eddie stay there talking to each other how Eddie is a loser and Venom tells him that he knows Eddie thinks Venom is not a good person then Eddie says that he isn’t a good person either. Then we see a flashback of the beginning of the movie Eddie ran over the kid, during the entire film we think Eddie got run over cause the kid is arguing with his father but it was actually Eddie that ran over he kid, when he was in his early 20s and Eddies father paid for all the damages which caused him a lot of his money.
This is one of the reasons Eddie is always so cynical, bitter and full of self hatred. Venom and Eddie bond more through this and decide to go out and save people. Spider-Man is fighting Doctor Octopus but his being beaten badly, he also tries to save people but he can’t do everything at once until Venom arrives and helps him, they both save and fight Doctor Octopus when Venom realizes that Doc Ock is possessed with a small dose of venoms symbiote, venom manages to use that symbiote to see Doctors Octopus last which we see him being bullied in school and rejected by his mother, which is similar to Eddie Brock’s story only that Eddie didn’t got bullied but he did got rejected by a parent. Venom tells Eddie that they have to save Dr Octopus because Venom in this scene understands that Dr. Octopus is just another damaged man just like Brock and now they both have the same goals, they don’t want to be alone and they want to help people. By this moment they’re fighting on a tall building and a peace of it will fall down Peter tells Eddie to save Doctor Octopus while he saves the people down there, however one of Dr Octopus mechanical arms manages to destroy Peters webs and he falls down, now Peter still trying to save people uses his spare webs to stop that part of the building that’s falling but he can’t save himself so he hits a car. Yes Spider-Man will die at the end of this film.
After they get rid of the small symbiote that was attached to Dr. Octopus that small symbiote escapes, then Dr.Octopus arms get ripped off by Venom doc Ock faints. Spider-Man is close to dying, Eddie takes him someplace safe. Peter dying says a few words to Eddie, that he has to protect this city. Venom takes him to his aunts home, they mourn them we see Peter Parker’s funeral then we see J.Jonah Jameson telling Brock that Peter asked Jameson to hire him again, he also adds pictures that he took of Venom and Spider-Man fighting against Dr. Octopus, which where taken by Peter however Eddie took the credit for that since Peter wanted him back. We see the final scene Eddie in the store and he eats the robber after that we see venom swinging and jumping around the city at night, he jumps towards the camera and we see a close up of his eye and that’s where the film ends, the ending is kind of like an homage to the ending of Spider-Man (2002) ending scene where his swinging and jumps towards the camera.
A mid credits scene happens where we a Life Foundation scientist experimenting with one of the symbiotes that turns red. That’s obviously a tease to carnage coming up in the sequel.
submitted by numark5555 to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

Fixing Venom(2018) by adding Spider-Man.

Okay here me out. I was very disappointed with this movie, I always loved the idea of watching superhero movie through the villains eyes. His origin everything and even add a cool twist at the end you’ll see. The Joker only did the origin but I want to make Spider-Man part to venoms story, of course we’ll have to make Eddie Brock someone we can root for but at the same time we also know Spider-Man is a superhero, so here it goes my rewrite hope you enjoy. This will also be R-rated.
The cast stays the same by the way we only add Spider-Man I’ll tell you who plays him later. The film begins with a kid arguing with his father and he goes outside to play football, the ball goes to the street and he goes to pick it up but a car runs over him.
Then a random homeless person being kidnapped, taken to Life Foundation where he begins to be tested we see one of the symbiotes which is Venom will posses that homeless person and then it dies. We see Dr Otto Octavius played by Mark Hamill instead of Drake yes this is a different universe and I will change a few things here and there, Doc Ock is being disappointed that the symbiotes aren’t working. After that we see Eddie Brock waking up just like in the movie, his girlfriends there, now Eddie Brock has a robotic arm, it is implied that maybe the kid at the beginning of the film was him, his arm got run over by that car and they had to cut it. The rest goes the same way, his a journalist the only difference is his in New York, let’s add J.Jonah Jameson back, played by J.K Simmons and Peter Parker too, im not sure who could play him. Not Tobey Maguire cause Venom already exists in his universe, I was thinking of Andrew Garfield but Sony actually fires Andrew Garfield for something he did wrong and I think that Andrew can’t work with Sony again who knows maybe that’s not true but if they just cast another actor I’d choose between Jake Gyllenhaal, Drake Bell(Ultimate Spider-Man voice actor) or Adam Scott. This version of Peter Parker is different cause his older in his late 20s early 30s.
During this film, Eddie will be a lovable rouge asshole kind of like Han Solo or Tony Stark. Those characters have something similar, they bully the lovable hero nerd aka for Han it’s Luke Skywalker, for Tony it’s Captain America and for Brock it’s Peter. Eddie is basically a bully towards Peter on the outside his cocky but on the inside his insecure he wants to be acknowledged as a better reporter but Peter always takes the best pictures of Spider-Man. Eddies father is also present in this film who is disappointed in him due to him not being successful enough and that his dream of being a journalist and exposing bad people is trash.
Just like in the film Eddie goes to expose the Life Foundation, meets with Octavius, Peter Parker is also there cause his friends with Otto and Eddie has another excuse to bully and hate him since he believes that the Life Foundation is evil however his “evidence” isn’t that great and sort of weird sounds too conspiracy so they shut him out and almost fire him. Eddie was actually born in San Francisco he used to be a journalist there until he accidentally falsely accused to the media that a man was a murderer when it was actually someone else, just like in the comics.
Eddie goes on a date with his girlfriend and the rest goes the same, his friends with that homeless lady, girl at the store. Then at night he checks his girlfriends computer and does the same selfish thing he does in the film. He tries to expose Life Foundation with genuine evidence, but they fire him, and his girlfriend breaks up with him. Dora also goes to him to warm him about what they’re doing he doesn’t want to so he gets drunk at night he goes to visit his ex girlfriend trying to win her back, he sees a strange car parked outside and he sees a man coming out, he hides and then when the man leaves he goes inside and finds her dead. He calls the cops and then realizes that Life Foundation is coming after him since that’s why they killed his gf. So he decides to call the only person he actually knows cause he doesn’t have a lot of friends and that is Peter Parker.
He goes to Peters apartment and explains everything, Peter is just there and he says that Otto Octavius isn’t a bad person because he knew Peters father and they where friends, Peter has known Otto since he was a kid his like a father to him. Otto also has cancer, which would explain why he is testing the symbiotes to cure himself however Peter doesn’t know about them. Eddie doesn’t trust him, but Peter lets him stay. The next morning Eddie finds out that Peter called the cops on Eddie since his suspected for the death of his girlfriend, Eddie hates Peter even more not only did he stole the spotlight from Daily Bugle but also gave him to the police, Eddie tries to punch Peter but he dodges it. The cops take him and are going to kill him in an alley but Spider-Man arrives, and saves him, Eddie tries to talk to him really quickly about the Life Foundation and Spidey simply says “I’ll look into it” and leaves. Eddie then goes to the Life Foundation with Dora, the same scene happens where he finds the homeless lady he is friends with, he takes pictures of what’s happened and he gets possessed by Venom, he runs to his apartment all of this is the same. He talks with Venom, fights some Life Foundation dudes and jumps to the water. It is revealed that the reason Eddie and Venom bonded is they both have the same fears which are rejection. They’re both being rejected by people, Eddie by his father and his job while Venom well all the hosts that died where sort of like rejections. Meanwhile Otto is furious to know what happened and he sends people to look for Eddie, meanwhile he has created robotic arms that will help him control the symbiotes without getting possessed.
He then tries to get his job back and looks for Jameson who is at an event with Peter Parker, Eddie arrives looking like shit and hungry we can get that funny scene of him eating the lobsters, then the Life Foundation SWAT arrive everyone goes out except for Eddie who turns into Venom and completely destroys the SWAT team remember this is rated R which makes it better. Spider-Man then arrives and we have our first badass fight scene between them. This fight scene will be just them jumping from roof to roof around New York big badass fight scene, Venom is almost about to win until he takes Spider-Man’s mask off and it’s Peter Parker who manages to fight them off and uses fire as a distraction to weaken Venom then he knocks Eddie out. Now we have that scene of Eddie at the hospital but it’s now Peter and a doctor called Dan which could easily be a friend of his that knows his secret identity. It will be revealed that the symbiotes have 2 weaknesses fire and high pitches noises. Peter uses the MRI machine to help Brock separate from the symbiote. Brock is then captured by Ottos men.
Peter was simply hiding because now he is suspecting of Otto. He goes and talks to him and due to his spider sense he is clearly hiding something, he also sees his robotic arms he has created. Eddie is then questioned but like the film he doesn’t know where it is, then Spider-Man meets with the Venom symbiote and gets sort of possessed, there’s where we will have a little fanservice of the black suit, Venom tells Peter that if they don’t find Eddie and bond soon Peter will die since he hasn’t bonded completely with Peter only with the suit that’s why Peter isn’t completely monstrous Venom like Eddie is. And also the symbiotes can’t last long so they need a host to survive.
Peter doesn’t care about saving Venom only Eddie but since Venom has sort of possessed him he has to deal with it and he breaks into the Life Foundation and saves Eddie. Venom bonds with Eddie again, and Doctor Octopus decides to use a small particle of the Venom symbiote to see if it works on him and it sort of does but he doesn’t completely turn into Venom he just goes crazy, he is still Doctor Octopus. He goes to attack the city, Spider-Man and Eddie talk about what happened Peter tells him that he needs to get rid of that thing, Eddie is skeptical about it since he likes the power but also the ability to help people. Eddie tells him about why he was fired in San Francisco and how his mother was killed by a man and he was trying so hard to find that killer and he framed another man accidentally, this story relates to Peter and he tells him about his uncle that dies from a mugging. Peter then leaves to fight Doctor Octopus, meanwhile Venom and Eddie stay there talking to each other how Eddie is a loser and Venom tells him that he knows Eddie thinks Venom is not a good person then Eddie says that he isn’t a good person either. Then we see a flashback of the beginning of the movie Eddie ran over the kid, during the entire film we think Eddie got run over cause the kid is arguing with his father but it was actually Eddie that ran over he kid, when he was in his early 20s and Eddies father paid for all the damages which caused him a lot of his money.
This is one of the reasons Eddie is always so cynical, bitter and full of self hatred. Venom and Eddie bond more through this and decide to go out and save people. Spider-Man is fighting Doctor Octopus but his being beaten badly, he also tries to save people but he can’t do everything at once until Venom arrives and helps him, they both save and fight Doctor Octopus when Venom realizes that Doc Ock is possessed with a small dose of venoms symbiote, venom manages to use that symbiote to see Doctors Octopus last which we see him being bullied in school and rejected by his mother, which is similar to Eddie Brock’s story only that Eddie didn’t got bullied but he did got rejected by a parent. Venom tells Eddie that they have to save Dr Octopus because Venom in this scene understands that Dr. Octopus is just another damaged man just like Brock and now they both have the same goals, they don’t want to be alone and they want to help people. By this moment they’re fighting on a tall building and a peace of it will fall down Peter tells Eddie to save Doctor Octopus while he saves the people down there, however one of Dr Octopus mechanical arms manages to destroy Peters webs and he falls down, now Peter still trying to save people uses his spare webs to stop that part of the building that’s falling but he can’t save himself so he hits a car. Yes Spider-Man will die at the end of this film.
After they get rid of the small symbiote that was attached to Dr. Octopus that small symbiote escapes, then Dr.Octopus arms get ripped off by Venom doc Ock faints. Spider-Man is close to dying, Eddie takes him someplace safe. Peter dying says a few words to Eddie, that he has to protect this city. Venom takes him to his aunts home, they mourn them we see Peter Parker’s funeral then we see J.Jonah Jameson telling Brock that Peter asked Jameson to hire him again, he also adds pictures that he took of Venom and Spider-Man fighting against Dr. Octopus, which where taken by Peter however Eddie took the credit for that since Peter wanted him back. We see the final scene Eddie in the store and he eats the robber after that we see venom swinging and jumping around the city at night, he jumps towards the camera and we see a close up of his eye and that’s where the film ends, the ending is kind of like an homage to the ending of Spider-Man (2002) ending scene where his swinging and jumps towards the camera.
A mid credits scene happens where we a Life Foundation scientist experimenting with one of the symbiotes that turns red. That’s obviously a tease to carnage coming up in the sequel.
submitted by numark5555 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

Fixing Venom(2018) by adding Spider-Man.

Okay here me out. I was very disappointed with this movie, I always loved the idea of watching superhero movie through the villains eyes. His origin everything and even add a cool twist at the end you’ll see. The Joker only did the origin but I want to make Spider-Man the literal antagonist to venoms story, of course we’ll have to make Eddie Brock someone we can root for but at the same time we also know Spider-Man is a superhero, so here it goes my rewrite hope you enjoy. This will also be R-rated.
The cast stays the same by the way we only add Spider-Man I’ll tell you who plays him later. The film begins with a kid arguing with his father and he goes outside to play football, the ball goes to the street and he goes to pick it up but a car runs over him.
Then a random homeless person being kidnapped, taken to Life Foundation where he begins to be tested we see one of the symbiotes which is Venom will posses that homeless person and then it dies. We see Dr Otto Octavius played by Mark Hamill instead of Drake yes this is a different universe and I will change a few things here and there, Doc Ock is being disappointed that the symbiotes aren’t working. After that we see Eddie Brock waking up just like in the movie, his girlfriends there, now Eddie Brock has a robotic arm, it is implied that maybe the kid at the beginning of the film was him, his arm got run over by that car and they had to cut it. The rest goes the same way, his a journalist the only difference is his in New York, let’s add J.Jonah Jameson back, played by J.K Simmons and Peter Parker too, im not sure who could play him. Not Tobey Maguire cause Venom already exists in his universe, I was thinking of Andrew Garfield but Sony actually fires Andrew Garfield for something he did wrong and I think that Andrew can’t work with Sony again who knows maybe that’s not true but if they just cast another actor I’d choose between Jake Gyllenhaal, Drake Bell(Ultimate Spider-Man voice actor) or Adam Scott. This version of Peter Parker is different cause his older in his late 20s early 30s.
During this film, Eddie will be a lovable rouge asshole kind of like Han Solo or Tony Stark. Those characters have something similar, they bully the lovable hero nerd aka for Han it’s Luke Skywalker, for Tony it’s Captain America and for Brock it’s Peter. Eddie is basically a bully towards Peter on the outside his cocky but on the inside his insecure he wants to be acknowledged as a better reporter but Peter always takes the best pictures of Spider-Man. Eddies father is also present in this film who is disappointed in him due to him not being successful enough and that his dream of being a journalist and exposing bad people is trash.
Just like in the film Eddie goes to expose the Life Foundation, meets with Octavius, Peter Parker is also there cause his friends with Otto and Eddie has another excuse to bully and hate him since he believes that the Life Foundation is evil however his “evidence” isn’t that great and sort of weird sounds too conspiracy so they shut him out and almost fire him. Eddie was actually born in San Francisco he used to be a journalist there until he accidentally falsely accused to the media that a man was a murderer when it was actually someone else, just like in the comics.
Eddie goes on a date with his girlfriend and the rest goes the same, his friends with that homeless lady, girl at the store. Then at night he checks his girlfriends computer and does the same selfish thing he does in the film. He tries to expose Life Foundation with genuine evidence, but they fire him, and his girlfriend breaks up with him. Dora also goes to him to warm him about what they’re doing he doesn’t want to so he gets drunk at night he goes to visit his ex girlfriend trying to win her back, he sees a strange car parked outside and he sees a man coming out, he hides and then when the man leaves he goes inside and finds her dead. He calls the cops and then realizes that Life Foundation is coming after him since that’s why they killed his gf. So he decides to call the only person he actually knows cause he doesn’t have a lot of friends and that is Peter Parker.
He goes to Peters apartment and explains everything, Peter is just there and he says that Otto Octavius isn’t a bad person because he knew Peters father and they where friends, Peter has known Otto since he was a kid his like a father to him. Otto also has cancer, which would explain why he is testing the symbiotes to cure himself however Peter doesn’t know about them. Eddie doesn’t trust him, but Peter lets him stay. The next morning Eddie finds out that Peter called the cops on Eddie since his suspected for the death of his girlfriend, Eddie hates Peter even more not only did he stole the spotlight from Daily Bugle but also gave him to the police, Eddie tries to punch Peter but he dodges it. The cops take him and are going to kill him in an alley but Spider-Man arrives, and saves him, Eddie tries to talk to him really quickly about the Life Foundation and Spidey simply says “I’ll look into it” and leaves. Eddie then goes to the Life Foundation with Dora, the same scene happens where he finds the homeless lady he is friends with, he takes pictures of what’s happened and he gets possessed by Venom, he runs to his apartment all of this is the same. He talks with Venom, fights some Life Foundation dudes and jumps to the water. It is revealed that the reason Eddie and Venom bonded is they both have the same fears which are rejection. They’re both being rejected by people, Eddie by his father and his job while Venom well all the hosts that died where sort of like rejections. Meanwhile Otto is furious to know what happened and he sends people to look for Eddie, meanwhile he has created robotic arms that will help him control the symbiotes without getting possessed.
He then tries to get his job back and looks for Jameson who is at an event with Peter Parker, Eddie arrives looking like shit and hungry we can get that funny scene of him eating the lobsters, then the Life Foundation SWAT arrive everyone goes out except for Eddie who turns into Venom and completely destroys the SWAT team remember this is rated R which makes it better. Spider-Man then arrives and we have our first badass fight scene between them. This fight scene will be just them jumping from roof to roof around New York big badass fight scene, Venom is almost about to win until he takes Spider-Man’s mask off and it’s Peter Parker who manages to fight them off and uses fire as a distraction to weaken Venom then he knocks Eddie out. Now we have that scene of Eddie at the hospital but it’s now Peter and a doctor called Dan which could easily be a friend of his that knows his secret identity. It will be revealed that the symbiotes have 2 weaknesses fire and high pitches noises. Peter uses the MRI machine to help Brock separate from the symbiote. Brock is then captured by Ottos men.
Peter was simply hiding because now he is suspecting of Otto. He goes and talks to him and due to his spider sense he is clearly hiding something, he also sees his robotic arms he has created. Eddie is then questioned but like the film he doesn’t know where it is, then Spider-Man meets with the Venom symbiote and gets sort of possessed, there’s where we will have a little fanservice of the black suit, Venom tells Peter that if they don’t find Eddie and bond soon Peter will die since he hasn’t bonded completely with Peter only with the suit that’s why Peter isn’t completely monstrous Venom like Eddie is. And also the symbiotes can’t last long so they need a host to survive.
Peter doesn’t care about saving Venom only Eddie but since Venom has sort of possessed him he has to deal with it and he breaks into the Life Foundation and saves Eddie. Venom bonds with Eddie again, and Doctor Octopus decides to use a small particle of the Venom symbiote to see if it works on him and it sort of does but he doesn’t completely turn into Venom he just goes crazy, he is still Doctor Octopus. He goes to attack the city, Spider-Man and Eddie talk about what happened Peter tells him that he needs to get rid of that thing, Eddie is skeptical about it since he likes the power but also the ability to help people. Eddie tells him about why he was fired in San Francisco and how his mother was killed by a man and he was trying so hard to find that killer and he framed another man accidentally, this story relates to Peter and he tells him about his uncle that dies from a mugging. Peter then leaves to fight Doctor Octopus, meanwhile Venom and Eddie stay there talking to each other how Eddie is a loser and Venom tells him that he knows Eddie thinks Venom is not a good person then Eddie says that he isn’t a good person either. Then we see a flashback of the beginning of the movie Eddie ran over the kid, during the entire film we think Eddie got run over cause the kid is arguing with his father but it was actually Eddie that ran over he kid, when he was in his early 20s and Eddies father paid for all the damages which caused him a lot of his money.
This is one of the reasons Eddie is always so cynical, bitter and full of self hatred. Venom and Eddie bond more through this and decide to go out and save people. Spider-Man is fighting Doctor Octopus but his being beaten badly, he also tries to save people but he can’t do everything at once until Venom arrives and helps him, they both save and fight Doctor Octopus when Venom realizes that Doc Ock is possessed with a small dose of venoms symbiote, venom manages to use that symbiote to see Doctors Octopus last which we see him being bullied in school and rejected by his mother, which is similar to Eddie Brock’s story only that Eddie didn’t got bullied but he did got rejected by a parent. Venom tells Eddie that they have to save Dr Octopus because Venom in this scene understands that Dr. Octopus is just another damaged man just like Brock and now they both have the same goals, they don’t want to be alone and they want to help people. By this moment they’re fighting on a tall building and a peace of it will fall down Peter tells Eddie to save Doctor Octopus while he saves the people down there, however one of Dr Octopus mechanical arms manages to destroy Peters webs and he falls down, now Peter still trying to save people uses his spare webs to stop that part of the building that’s falling but he can’t save himself so he hits a car. Yes Spider-Man will die at the end of this film.
After they get rid of the small symbiote that was attached to Dr. Octopus that small symbiote escapes, then Dr.Octopus arms get ripped off by Venom doc Ock faints. Spider-Man is close to dying, Eddie takes him someplace safe. Peter dying says a few words to Eddie, that he has to protect this city. Venom takes him to his aunts home, they mourn them we see Peter Parker’s funeral then we see J.Jonah Jameson telling Brock that Peter asked Jameson to hire him again, he also adds pictures that he took of Venom and Spider-Man fighting against Dr. Octopus, which where taken by Peter however Eddie took the credit for that since Peter wanted him back. We see the final scene Eddie in the store and he eats the robber after that we see venom swinging and jumping around the city at night, he jumps towards the camera and we see a close up of his eye and that’s where the film ends, the ending is kind of like an homage to the ending of Spider-Man (2002) ending scene where his swinging and jumps towards the camera.
A mid credits scene happens where we a Life Foundation scientist experimenting with one of the symbiotes that turns red. That’s obviously a tease to carnage coming up in the sequel.
submitted by numark5555 to u/numark5555 [link] [comments]

Exploring DC's Snyderverse: Past, Present, and Future

Not content with making the Snyder Cut a reality, fans are now campaigning for the SnyderVerse to be completed by Zack Snyder, the original Justice League director. #RestoreTheSnyderVerse Trends As Fans Campaign For Zack Snyder To Finish His DCEU Plan. So, in this post, we will explore what is the Snyderverse, and what was the original plan for Zack Snyder’s DC Superhero Universe. Please be sure to check out this post till the end to find out the latest updates and our speculations for the Snyderverse!
I know this is a long post, and it took me a lot of time to write, so I hope you will show this some love. If you are not a fan of reading this much, you can watch it in video format on our YouTube channel: The link to the video is: If you decide to watch this, please do not forget to like the video and subscribe to our channel for more such content! We are looking for some love and support from fellow comics lovers to grow. Let's start!
Zack Snyder rebooted the DC superhero universe with 2013's Man of Steel starring Henry Cavill as Superman. He followed this up with Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, introducing Ben Affleck's Batman and Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman. Both films suffered from mixed reviews, with many saying they were too dark, while others enjoyed the director's trademark take on the material.
Snyder was working on his third movie in the franchise, Justice League when he suffered a family tragedy and was forced to quit. As a result, that movie was completed by Joss Whedon and suffered from even worse reviews than the previous two efforts. That led to the Snyder Cut campaign, which bore fruit when Warner Bros announced in May that Snyder's cut of the movie would release on HBO Max in March 2021. Despite this, DC Films head Walter Hamada says the studio sees the Snyder Cut as a dead-end and won't be exploring the director's vision for the characters following its release.
In response, fans are taking to Twitter to once again campaign for Snyder. The hashtag #RestoreTheSnyderVerse began trending. The hashtag features fans imploring DC to let Snyder complete his vision for the so-called SnyderVerse, and make his films canon again. Others were tweeting about the characters they'd like to see more of in any future movies.
While fans are optimistic they'll be able to change the minds of DC and Warner Bros. with a new campaign, it's unlikely this one will be as successful as the original Snyder Cut campaign was. Studio executives saw the potential in releasing the Snyder Cut to promote their new streaming service, HBO Max. However, with a release plan, which includes introducing the DC Multiverse in The Flash, as well as The Batman and a new version of The Suicide Squad incoming in 2021 and 2022, it's clear DC has a plan in place for the DCEU.
And, sadly for fans, that’s a pretty clear sign DC has moved on from the so-called SnyderVerse. The director, too, seems to have accepted that the Snyder Cut will be his final film with DC for a while, as he's already moving ahead with several projects, including a host with streaming service Netflix. So, despite the popularity of the hashtag on social media, it's most likely that the Justice League director's cut will the last fans will see of the SnyderVerse.
As most would know at this point, Zack Snyder did not intend for his DC universe to compete with the MCU, but as 5 films with a beginning and end, that would take inspiration from various comic series to form his own Justice League storyline. Zack’s original idea was to have a 5-film, Elseworlds-style, Superman-driven, Justice League film series, and we know what four of these films would be. This is where we guess and offer our ideas on the potential storyline of DC’s former Snyderverse, as well as some ideas on what the fifth film would have been. Some of these ideas are official or confirmed by Zack Snyder himself, while others are pure guesses.
  1. Man of Steel
The first installment in the Snyderverse is pretty much the same as the one released in 2013: a grounded take on Superman and his birth with small teases to the larger world Zack had in mind.
  1. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition)
It is inspired by The Dark Knight Returns and The Death of Superman comics. And the Ultimate Edition, a 3-hour epic that was never meant to give us classic takes on characters or follow a light tone as audiences expected. Just as it is now, the film teases the Justice League, the Knightmare world, time-traveling, Darkseid, and Steppenwolf. We are given a look at Batman’s past and the death of his sidekick, Robin, who Zack has confirmed was originally intended to be Dick Grayson. And towards the end, Superman dies, but his revival is hinted at.
  1. Justice League Part 1
The plot would be similar to the film released in 2017, but with a few key differences. It would follow Batman and Wonder Woman recruiting Cyborg, Aquaman, and The Flash to defeat Steppenwolf and stop him from retrieving the three Mother Boxes on Earth. And Steppenwolf wants the mother boxes because his mother’s spirit is literally inside those boxes, it would’ve helped him to get even more powerful than Darkseid himself!
Superman would be resurrected with his infamous black suit, but it is unclear whether he is resurrected by the League, or by Steppenwolf himself as a supporter of Darkseid. There’s also a possibility that the Green Lantern Corps would appear in a small role, teasing them for Justice League Part 2.
Zack has also confirmed that when Lois is killed in the original Snyderverse, Superman becomes susceptible to the Anti-Life Equation and turns evil under Darkseid’s influence. I think that this would have played into this film, and it would end with Superman taking down the League.
And The final scene would be the storyboard revealed by Zack Snyder: we see Darkseid opening a Mother Box, an explosion takes place that encompasses the entire planet, and we soon find Earth reflecting the Knightmare sequence from Batman v Superman.
  1. Justice League Part 2
This sequel would have been inspired by the Injustice comics, as confirmed by Zack. This film would basically be the entire Knightmare sequence in-depth: a Mad Max: Fury Road-styled event involving the League trying to break Superman away from Darkseid’s influence and defeat the ruler of Apokolips. And a Green Lantern, probably Hal Jordan, would be the 7th member of the League in this film.
It is possible that the death of Batman in that chamber seen in Batman v Superman would be a purposeful diversion to distract Superman, whose main goal would be to avenge Lois. This would buy enough time for the League to defeat Darkseid somehow. My guess is that this would be where The Flash goes back in time to warn Bruce, save Lois, and end Darkseid’s reign. This, of course, would have major repercussions.
In the end, all we see is that the Knightmare is over and The Flash has returned to the current timeline, and we are left unaware of the League’s status, or Darkseid’s whereabouts. Regardless, it would likely be made clear that something isn’t right, and a major issue remains. I’m not sure what this issue would be, unfortunately, but it is my belief that this would have to do with either the Flashpoint storyline.
  1. ??? (Maybe Flashpoint or Justice League Part 3)
This project was one of the most mysterious aspects of the Snyderverse, we were continually told about the films from Man of Steel to Justice League Part 2, but we were never told what exactly the final film was called or was about, aside from it supposedly tying together the entire Snyderverse.
And our guess is that after The Flash went back in time, we would see a Flashpoint-like situation where everything has changed, such as Jeffery Dean Morgan being Batman, but it would not follow the comics. Instead, Zack would create an alternate universe with the New Gods as villains that some form of the League must defeat. The film would end with characters like Batman coming to terms with their career and the losses they have faced, and Superman becoming the hero we all know and love. It remains to be revealed what Zack’s plans were, and we can only hope that Zack does inform fans at some point.
In a recent conversation on the ComicBook Debate YouTube show, Zack Snyder talked about his future in the DCEU. In the midst of 'restore the Snyderverse' fans campaign, he was asked if he would do more projects ahead. He said that he never thought he would be finishing his version of Justice League. The filmmaker stated that he has no issues with his project being an old movie on which he is working for years. Snyder mentioned that the DC Universe has gone and branched off and done its own thing which is fine for him. As far as what he did and his vision for what he wanted to do with these characters and the journey he wanted them to go on.
Zack Snyder asserted that it is well known that he planned on more movies, around five films or something (including Justice League 2), but he is busy now and has a lot going on. He admitted that it is cool and amazing that the fans have so much faith in the trajectory. The filmmaker expressed that he could not be happier and is excited for the fans to see Justice League so they can "really drink the entire elixir" of JL. He stated that he has no plan to continue in the DCEU. But noted that, 'who knows'' if his cut can see the light of the day and more things could take place.
Zack Snyder originally had big plans in the DCEU. He would have reportedly done a Man of Steel 2 with Henry Cavill, followed by Justice League 2 and 3, with a few more projects. However, the failure of the theatrical version of JL and the creative conflict led to his departure from Warner Bros Studios for quite a long time. Now as Zack Snyder's Justice League will be arriving soon, fans are eagerly waiting for what it has to offer. The project will be a four-hour-long miniseries consisting of never seen before footage.
With the Snyder Cut of the Justice League movie coming to HBO Max, many fans and even Zack Snyder himself hoped for the "Snyder Verse" to continue on the streaming service. However, now that may not be happening.
Following the Snyder Cut getting announced, all kinds of rumors and speculation hit the net regarding a "Snyder Verse" getting created on HBO Max that would involve Zack Snyder creating additional Justice League movies, with projects involving Ben Affleck back as Batman, Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke, Jared Leto as Joker, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, and more potentially in the works.
Zack has enthusiastically and excitably gone on record that he has ideas for a Justice League sequel involving Darkseid on Earth, and Zack even discussed how his Snyder Verse is part of the DC Multiverse, part of an Elseworld Multiverse.
The Hollywood trade sites even reported that if Zack Snyder's Justice League proves to be successful for HBO Max that it seems likely Zack Snyder would be able to two sequels to Justice League that would complete his five-film arc.
Ben Affleck is also being brought back as Batman for The Flash movie, which at first was thought to be building anticipation and hype for Affleck to do his own version of The Batman on HBO Max, but now it is being said the appearance is to just give the character a proper send-off. Two additional factors why the Snyder Verse might not be moving forward on HBO Max could be Wonder Woman 1984 and Ray fisher.
The Hollywood trades also reported that if Wonder Woman 1984 was a success on HBO Max it would help lead to other projects. Well, WW84 is downright awful and hasn't been received well by the critics and fans alike, and it doesn't seem as if the HBO Max release led to a heap of new subscribers (where's the big announcement from WB?), so WarnerMedia could be rethinking its strategy of what to release on HBO Max, which may include rethinking the release of its 17-movie slate in 2021 (producers, directors, actors are not happy at all).
Regarding Ray Fisher, Fisher recently blasted Walter Hamada following the NY Times interview and said he will never work on another film Hamada is involved with. Shortly after, WB extended Hamada's DC films deal, and now it's said Ray Fisher is not appearing in The Flash and that Cyborg has been completely written out of The Flash. Obviously, doing the math, WB went with Hamada over Fisher, which is a no brainer.
We can assume that if Zack Snyder was going to complete his two Justice League films for HBO Max that he would have wanted Fisher back as Cyborg - who Zack says is the heart of the Justice League - but it's likely WarnerMedia probably said Fisher can hit the high road, so as Zack wouldn't recast Cyborg, he is probably finally done with all the BS at WB and is done with DC.
Another issue could be Geoff Johns who has been said to have stabbed Snyder in the back and is responsible for Ben Affleck leaving the Batman role. Then again, if the Snyder Cut turns out to be a huge success in terms of new subscribers for HBO Max, anything could happen.
Please let me know your thoughts on these plot points and my speculation, if I missed anything, or if you have ideas you’d like to add (especially for the final movie). Thank you if you managed to get this far. And be sure to check our Instagram page for additional information and updates on the Snyderverse, as well as hilarious memes related to comics.
If you liked the content or our efforts, don’t forget to hit that upvote button and support us by subscribing to our YouTube channel! Since we're just starting out, it would really mean a lot to us if you guys show a little support. New content comes out every Friday!
submitted by unnecessarycomics to comicbookmovies [link] [comments]

Spider-Man, the SPUMC, and me!

Hello, before I start, my name is Cody Fairless-Lee and I am new to this subreddit. Allow me to introduce myself!
I grew up with the original SPIDER-MAN trilogy starring Tobey Maguire even though I didn’t see the first movie until like 14 months after SPIDER-MAN 3 came out. It all started when one of my old friends whom I grew up with invited me to see SPIDER-MAN 2 on June 30, 2004 with him, his sister, his father, and some of his other friends. I was a little nervous because I barely knew much about Spider-Man in general other than watching some of the cartoons, especially the 2003 computer-animated series from Sony, and I knew it was going to be dark. There were even moments when I embarrassed myself and those I saw the movie with like plugging my ears before the movie started because the “Coming Soon” logo was loud and that jump-scare scene with Doctor Octopus and Harry Osborn. The latter of which I knew it was about to be a jump-scare, so right before Doc Ock came up, I ducked my head and plugged my ears with my friend asking me “What’s wrong, Cody?”. I still had fun and it was still a great movie, but there were times where I was confused and embarrassed myself. And it doesn’t stop there....
Me and my Dad saw SPIDER-MAN 3 when it came out in May 2007. I still only saw the second movie and my Dad probably only saw parts of it. W still hadn’t seen the first one. Say what you will about Topher Grace as Venom, but back then, Venom and the alien symbiote scared the shit out of us. Well, mostly me! When we got home, we were trying to tell my Mom what we thought, but my brother threw a fit over something crying next to her in bed. When I tried to explain how creepy yet awesome Venom was, the moment felt ruined because of my brother’s crying and because of how scary Venom was, I cried to.
I didn’t care much of Spider-Man back then, but growing up into a teenager and eventually watching all three movies finally, I fell in love with them and couldn’t wait for SPIDER-MAN 4....until it was cancelled in favour of a reboot just a few short years after SM3 came out because Sam Raimi abandoned his directing duties. Why couldn’t they just continue making the film with the same cast, a new director, and a postponed release date? That’s what always bothered me! Don’t get me wrong, I loved THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, but it was my least-favorite because it had no awesome soundtrack for the end credits, the thief who killed Uncle Ben got away, and well....Uncle Ben was a jerk in that movie anyway. Then came THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 and back then, I thought it was as great as Tobey’s first two SPIDER-MAN movies because of how dark and action-packed it was and the follow-ups we were promised like THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 3 and 4, THE SINISTER SIX, VENOM, and the untitled female-led movie once planned for 2017.
So yeah, I loved Sony's SPIDER-MAN movies from the nostalgic Tobey Maguire trilogy of 2002-2007 to the two Andrew Garfield movies of 2012 and 2014. And then, there's the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Billions of people will come after me for saying this, but I am not a fan of the MCU!
And I dislike it even more than before 2015 because when Sony had great ideas for a Spider-Man cinematic universe with Andrew Garfield as the franchise's Iron Man, the studio chickened out because $700 million wasn’t good enough for Sony. Less than a year after TASM2 hit theatres, they made a deal with Marvel Studios to bring Spidey into the MCU, played by a new actor, make his next solo movie a John Hughes movie, make him Iron Man Jr., and make him an Avenger. However, while I dislike Tom Holland’s take on Spider-Man, I do respect him because the kid is a good actor.
I dislike the MCU because it's not one of those dark action movie franchises. Eventually, these movies do have a few dark moments, but that's only because of Thanos. THOR, IRON MAN 3, the ANT-MAN movies, and Tom Holland's solo SPIDER-MAN movies are probably my least favorite and why they are is a story for another day. Most of the MCU is all jokey if you will while Tobey and Andrew's SPIDER-MAN movies were all-out dark with some humour added. Most of the action movies I'm a fan of scare kids and the mentally-challenged. The MCU isn't really like that. Movies like PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN and HARRY POTTER, they are definitely that.
After years of struggle, 2018 appeared to start a silver lining for MCU-dislikers like me where we get both VENOM and SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE. The latter became a critically-acclaimed and financially-successful Oscar winner for Best Animated Feature while also being my favorite film of 2018. The former, while unfairly bad-reviewed, was supposed to according to Wikipedia back then...SONY'S MARVEL UNIVERSE!
Now, mind you, I am well aware of the new name being the SONY PICTURES UNIVERSE OF MARVEL CHARACTERS. But, like most people, I am not cool with that name! SONY'S MARVEL UNIVERSE or SONY'S UNIVERSE OF MARVEL CHARACTERS has a much better ring to it. Anyone wanna start a petition to give the universe it's old name back? Not saying it'll work because it's Sony, but their new name would not look great on their Infinity Saga-like box set.
Anyway, you know the old saying "good things come to those who wait"? I finally felt something like that after spending most of 2017 and 2018 trying to figure out on the Internet whether or not VENOM is part of the MCU because of Amy Pascal's comments from 2017 and what Tom Hardy and Ruben Fleischer had said back in Comic-Con 2018. I loved VENOM after seeing it and finally believing that a comically-dark and creepy movie like that wouldn't be part of the MCU, especially since the Marvel logo in that movie didn't say "Marvel Studios", it said "In Association With Marvel".
I could not wait for MORBIUS especially since that used to be one of my dream roles as an actor, but long before that movie was announced, I didn't know what to expect from Sony when it came to Marvel movies. The movie was supposed to come out on July 31, 2020 before the COVID-19 pandemic shifted everything in Hollywood and then came the first trailer last January! Granted, before that, rumours were started on the Internet back in Fall 2019 that the J. Jonah Jameson from SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME would appear in MORBIUS, but I refused to believe it, especially since it was on the not-so-accurate entertainment news website We Got This Covered. Plus, remember when people thought that MORBIUS director Daniel Espinosa's 2017 horror movie LIFE would be a secret prequel to VENOM? That turned out to be false!
But, in the first trailer for MORBIUS, there were three things that shook me to fear:
  1. The trailer said "From the studio that brought you, SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING, SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME, and VENOM".
  2. Morbius in an orange prison uniform walks by Spider-Man graffiti with the word "MURDERER" painted on it.
  3. The trailer ends with who appears to be Michael Keaton as The Vulture in his white prison uniform from SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING.
Tyrese Gibson also typed in two of his Instagram posts the hashtags #MCU and #Crossover around the trailer's release. The reshoots had Daily Bugle ads that asked "Where Is Spider-Man?". And finally, Sony's fan account of Flash Thompson shared on "his" Instagram stories a fan-made Daily Bugle article on Spider-Man, Morbius, and Venom. Before the pandemic shifted Hollywood's schedule, the movie was supposed to come out on July 31st, which is three days before my birthday. The plan was if MORBIUS is part of the MCU and VENOM was also part of it the whole time, I would end my life right on my birthday. Well actually, as a struggling actor and screenwriter who turned 26 this year, there are other reasons to off myself then. But, thanks to the virus, MORBIUS and VENOM: LET THERE BE CARNAGE are now scheduled for 2021.
Yet this delay in Sony's schedule could also be an opportunity for me and others like me because it could get Sony to change the movie for us or at least explain to us whom Michael Keaton is playing or if there's another Spider-Man played by someone else in this universe. I'm just sick of all these Reddit plot leaks from throwaway573726363, 4chan, and aa_flo. If I'm lucky, none of them are true.
Like, give me some proof, any of you!
Which brings me to here....
I was a member of this Reddit subreddit called SUMC, which you can find here:
I was harassed and eventually banned permanently from that subreddit because I didn’t like the MCU. How is that fair? All I want to do here is to share my thoughts, theories, and some fan art on the subject.
But, aside from this Reddit nonsense, I want to keep my silver lining and my sanity because I saw VENOM in an IMAX 3D theater, bought it on 4K UltraHD Blu-Ray, redeemed the digital code on my Google Play account, and I even have a Christmas ornament with Venom on it that I got from a Christmas bizarre. If MORBIUS is part of the MCU and VENOM gets what people call "retconned" in that universe even though it's been years since it's release, I could never go back and not see VENOM in theatres. Plus, if VENOM was part of the MCU this whole time, why isn't he in The Infinity Saga box set with the 23 MCU movies?
I also did a WatchMojo suggestion video explaining the "Top 10 Reasons Sony's Marvel Universe Should NEVER Crossover with the MCU". Reasons included the Spider-Man in MORBIUS possibly being someone else, total confusion, long term consequences, Sony's Marvel Movies being a different tone from the MCU, Sony creating (and so far succeeding with) their own universe, repeating same mistakes, quality of film, VENOM receiving bad reviews, and more importantly because VENOM received bad reviews: Some People Who Love the MCU Dislike Sony's Marvel Movies and Some People Who Love Sony's Marvel Movies Dislike the MCU.
I know there's really nothing I can do about it, at least not at the current moment with the coronavirus and all, but the MCU already ruined Spider-Man for me and some of his villains and supporting characters. Most of you won't agree with me on that, but if people dislike VENOM, then wouldn't they want him to not appear in the MCU and ruin it for them?
If talking about all of my frustrations with that isn’t enough, it was recently announced Jamie Foxx and Alfred Molina were reprising their roles as Electro and Doctor Octopus respectively from the Sony movies in the new MCU Spider-Man movie, hopefully as different incarnations like J.K. Simmons’ different portrayal of J. Jonah Jameson. Then again, even though both Electro and Doc Ock have died in their movies, the new MCU movie will apparentely connect to WANADAVISION and DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS, seemingly confirming the whole “multiverse” theory. There are even rumours of Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, Kirsten Dunst, and Emma Stone also returning from their franchises. I really hope this all isn’t true or I’m screwed....probably for life! WHAT ON EARTH AM I GOING TO DO?!
Regardless of what happens with Spider-Man or Venom or Morbius or the SPUMC, let me know what you think of my story because while billions of people enjoy the MCU, I can’t seriously be the only person in the world who dislikes it. If I can, I will post fan timelines of the SPUMC and I can’t wait for all of you to see them. Also, I want to do a fan-made edited version of the MORBIUS trailer with different music. I use iMovie. Does anyone know how to remove music from a trailer and replace it with different music like say from the first JOKER trailer or the CANDYMAN trailer that I can download from YouTube? Any and all help is appreciated!
submitted by TheMovieKing94 to comicbookmovies [link] [comments]

Exploring DC's Snyderverse: Past, Present, and Future

Not content with making the Snyder Cut a reality, fans are now campaigning for the SnyderVerse to be completed by Zack Snyder, the original Justice League director. #RestoreTheSnyderVerse Trends As Fans Campaign For Zack Snyder To Finish His DCEU Plan. So, in this post, we will explore what is the Snyderverse, and what was the original plan for Zack Snyder’s DC Superhero Universe. Please be sure to check out this post till the end to find out the latest updates and our speculations for the Snyderverse!
I know this is a long post, and it took me a lot of time to write, so I hope you will show this some love. If you are not a fan of reading this much, you can watch it in video format on our YouTube channel: The link to the video is: If you decide to watch this, please do not forget to like the video and subscribe to our channel for more such content! We are looking for some love and support from fellow comics lovers to grow. Let's start!
Zack Snyder rebooted the DC superhero universe with 2013's Man of Steel starring Henry Cavill as Superman. He followed this up with Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, introducing Ben Affleck's Batman and Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman. Both films suffered from mixed reviews, with many saying they were too dark, while others enjoyed the director's trademark take on the material.
Snyder was working on his third movie in the franchise, Justice League when he suffered a family tragedy and was forced to quit. As a result, that movie was completed by Joss Whedon and suffered from even worse reviews than the previous two efforts. That led to the Snyder Cut campaign, which bore fruit when Warner Bros announced in May that Snyder's cut of the movie would release on HBO Max in March 2021. Despite this, DC Films head Walter Hamada says the studio sees the Snyder Cut as a dead-end and won't be exploring the director's vision for the characters following its release.
In response, fans are taking to Twitter to once again campaign for Snyder. The hashtag #RestoreTheSnyderVerse began trending. The hashtag features fans imploring DC to let Snyder complete his vision for the so-called SnyderVerse, and make his films canon again. Others were tweeting about the characters they'd like to see more of in any future movies.
While fans are optimistic they'll be able to change the minds of DC and Warner Bros. with a new campaign, it's unlikely this one will be as successful as the original Snyder Cut campaign was. Studio executives saw the potential in releasing the Snyder Cut to promote their new streaming service, HBO Max. However, with a release plan, which includes introducing the DC Multiverse in The Flash, as well as The Batman and a new version of The Suicide Squad incoming in 2021 and 2022, it's clear DC has a plan in place for the DCEU.
And, sadly for fans, that’s a pretty clear sign DC has moved on from the so-called SnyderVerse. The director, too, seems to have accepted that the Snyder Cut will be his final film with DC for a while, as he's already moving ahead with several projects, including a host with streaming service Netflix. So, despite the popularity of the hashtag on social media, it's most likely that the Justice League director's cut will the last fans will see of the SnyderVerse.
As most would know at this point, Zack Snyder did not intend for his DC universe to compete with the MCU, but as 5 films with a beginning and end, that would take inspiration from various comic series to form his own Justice League storyline. Zack’s original idea was to have a 5-film, Elseworlds-style, Superman-driven, Justice League film series, and we know what four of these films would be. This is where we guess and offer our ideas on the potential storyline of DC’s former Snyderverse, as well as some ideas on what the fifth film would have been. Some of these ideas are official or confirmed by Zack Snyder himself, while others are pure guesses.
  1. Man of Steel
The first installment in the Snyderverse is pretty much the same as the one released in 2013: a grounded take on Superman and his birth with small teases to the larger world Zack had in mind.
  1. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition)
It is inspired by The Dark Knight Returns and The Death of Superman comics. And the Ultimate Edition, a 3-hour epic that was never meant to give us classic takes on characters or follow a light tone as audiences expected. Just as it is now, the film teases the Justice League, the Knightmare world, time-traveling, Darkseid, and Steppenwolf. We are given a look at Batman’s past and the death of his sidekick, Robin, who Zack has confirmed was originally intended to be Dick Grayson. And towards the end, Superman dies, but his revival is hinted at.
  1. Justice League Part 1
The plot would be similar to the film released in 2017, but with a few key differences. It would follow Batman and Wonder Woman recruiting Cyborg, Aquaman, and The Flash to defeat Steppenwolf and stop him from retrieving the three Mother Boxes on Earth. And Steppenwolf wants the mother boxes because his mother’s spirit is literally inside those boxes, it would’ve helped him to get even more powerful than Darkseid himself!
Superman would be resurrected with his infamous black suit, but it is unclear whether he is resurrected by the League, or by Steppenwolf himself as a supporter of Darkseid. There’s also a possibility that the Green Lantern Corps would appear in a small role, teasing them for Justice League Part 2.
Zack has also confirmed that when Lois is killed in the original Snyderverse, Superman becomes susceptible to the Anti-Life Equation and turns evil under Darkseid’s influence. I think that this would have played into this film, and it would end with Superman taking down the League.
And The final scene would be the storyboard revealed by Zack Snyder: we see Darkseid opening a Mother Box, an explosion takes place that encompasses the entire planet, and we soon find Earth reflecting the Knightmare sequence from Batman v Superman.
  1. Justice League Part 2
This sequel would have been inspired by the Injustice comics, as confirmed by Zack. This film would basically be the entire Knightmare sequence in-depth: a Mad Max: Fury Road-styled event involving the League trying to break Superman away from Darkseid’s influence and defeat the ruler of Apokolips. And a Green Lantern, probably Hal Jordan, would be the 7th member of the League in this film.
It is possible that the death of Batman in that chamber seen in Batman v Superman would be a purposeful diversion to distract Superman, whose main goal would be to avenge Lois. This would buy enough time for the League to defeat Darkseid somehow. My guess is that this would be where The Flash goes back in time to warn Bruce, save Lois, and end Darkseid’s reign. This, of course, would have major repercussions.
In the end, all we see is that the Knightmare is over and The Flash has returned to the current timeline, and we are left unaware of the League’s status, or Darkseid’s whereabouts. Regardless, it would likely be made clear that something isn’t right, and a major issue remains. I’m not sure what this issue would be, unfortunately, but it is my belief that this would have to do with either the Flashpoint storyline.
  1. ??? (Maybe Flashpoint or Justice League Part 3)
This project was one of the most mysterious aspects of the Snyderverse, we were continually told about the films from Man of Steel to Justice League Part 2, but we were never told what exactly the final film was called or was about, aside from it supposedly tying together the entire Snyderverse.
And our guess is that after The Flash went back in time, we would see a Flashpoint-like situation where everything has changed, such as Jeffery Dean Morgan being Batman, but it would not follow the comics. Instead, Zack would create an alternate universe with the New Gods as villains that some form of the League must defeat. The film would end with characters like Batman coming to terms with their career and the losses they have faced, and Superman becoming the hero we all know and love. It remains to be revealed what Zack’s plans were, and we can only hope that Zack does inform fans at some point.
In a recent conversation on the ComicBook Debate YouTube show, Zack Snyder talked about his future in the DCEU. In the midst of 'restore the Snyderverse' fans campaign, he was asked if he would do more projects ahead. He said that he never thought he would be finishing his version of Justice League. The filmmaker stated that he has no issues with his project being an old movie on which he is working for years. Snyder mentioned that the DC Universe has gone and branched off and done its own thing which is fine for him. As far as what he did and his vision for what he wanted to do with these characters and the journey he wanted them to go on.
Zack Snyder asserted that it is well known that he planned on more movies, around five films or something (including Justice League 2), but he is busy now and has a lot going on. He admitted that it is cool and amazing that the fans have so much faith in the trajectory. The filmmaker expressed that he could not be happier and is excited for the fans to see Justice League so they can "really drink the entire elixir" of JL. He stated that he has no plan to continue in the DCEU. But noted that, 'who knows'' if his cut can see the light of the day and more things could take place.
Zack Snyder originally had big plans in the DCEU. He would have reportedly done a Man of Steel 2 with Henry Cavill, followed by Justice League 2 and 3, with a few more projects. However, the failure of the theatrical version of JL and the creative conflict led to his departure from Warner Bros Studios for quite a long time. Now as Zack Snyder's Justice League will be arriving soon, fans are eagerly waiting for what it has to offer. The project will be a four-hour-long miniseries consisting of never seen before footage.
With the Snyder Cut of the Justice League movie coming to HBO Max, many fans and even Zack Snyder himself hoped for the "Snyder Verse" to continue on the streaming service. However, now that may not be happening.
Following the Snyder Cut getting announced, all kinds of rumors and speculation hit the net regarding a "Snyder Verse" getting created on HBO Max that would involve Zack Snyder creating additional Justice League movies, with projects involving Ben Affleck back as Batman, Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke, Jared Leto as Joker, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, and more potentially in the works.
Zack has enthusiastically and excitably gone on record that he has ideas for a Justice League sequel involving Darkseid on Earth, and Zack even discussed how his Snyder Verse is part of the DC Multiverse, part of an Elseworld Multiverse.
The Hollywood trade sites even reported that if Zack Snyder's Justice League proves to be successful for HBO Max that it seems likely Zack Snyder would be able to two sequels to Justice League that would complete his five-film arc.
Ben Affleck is also being brought back as Batman for The Flash movie, which at first was thought to be building anticipation and hype for Affleck to do his own version of The Batman on HBO Max, but now it is being said the appearance is to just give the character a proper send-off. Two additional factors why the Snyder Verse might not be moving forward on HBO Max could be Wonder Woman 1984 and Ray fisher.
The Hollywood trades also reported that if Wonder Woman 1984 was a success on HBO Max it would help lead to other projects. Well, WW84 is downright awful and hasn't been received well by the critics and fans alike, and it doesn't seem as if the HBO Max release led to a heap of new subscribers (where's the big announcement from WB?), so WarnerMedia could be rethinking its strategy of what to release on HBO Max, which may include rethinking the release of its 17-movie slate in 2021 (producers, directors, actors are not happy at all).
Regarding Ray Fisher, Fisher recently blasted Walter Hamada following the NY Times interview and said he will never work on another film Hamada is involved with. Shortly after, WB extended Hamada's DC films deal, and now it's said Ray Fisher is not appearing in The Flash and that Cyborg has been completely written out of The Flash. Obviously, doing the math, WB went with Hamada over Fisher, which is a no brainer.
We can assume that if Zack Snyder was going to complete his two Justice League films for HBO Max that he would have wanted Fisher back as Cyborg - who Zack says is the heart of the Justice League - but it's likely WarnerMedia probably said Fisher can hit the high road, so as Zack wouldn't recast Cyborg, he is probably finally done with all the BS at WB and is done with DC.
Another issue could be Geoff Johns who has been said to have stabbed Snyder in the back and is responsible for Ben Affleck leaving the Batman role. Then again, if the Snyder Cut turns out to be a huge success in terms of new subscribers for HBO Max, anything could happen.
Please let me know your thoughts on these plot points and my speculation, if I missed anything, or if you have ideas you’d like to add (especially for the final movie). Thank you if you managed to get this far. And be sure to check our Instagram page for additional information and updates on the Snyderverse, as well as hilarious memes related to comics.
If you liked the content or our efforts, don’t forget to hit that upvote button and support us by subscribing to our YouTube channel! Since we're just starting out, it would really mean a lot to us if you guys show a little support. New content comes out every Friday!
submitted by unnecessarycomics to DCcomics [link] [comments]

Exploring DC's Snyderverse: Past, Present, and Future

Not content with making the Snyder Cut a reality, fans are now campaigning for the SnyderVerse to be completed by Zack Snyder, the original Justice League director. #RestoreTheSnyderVerse Trends As Fans Campaign For Zack Snyder To Finish His DCEU Plan. So, in this post, we will explore what is the Snyderverse, and what was the original plan for Zack Snyder’s DC Superhero Universe. Please be sure to check out this post till the end to find out the latest updates and our speculations for the Snyderverse!
I know this is a long post, and it took me a lot of time to write, so I hope you will show this some love. If you are not a fan of reading this much, you can watch it in video format on our YouTube channel: The link to the video is: If you decide to watch this, please do not forget to like the video and subscribe to our channel for more such content! We are looking for some love and support from fellow comics lovers to grow. Let's start!
Zack Snyder rebooted the DC superhero universe with 2013's Man of Steel starring Henry Cavill as Superman. He followed this up with Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, introducing Ben Affleck's Batman and Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman. Both films suffered from mixed reviews, with many saying they were too dark, while others enjoyed the director's trademark take on the material.
Snyder was working on his third movie in the franchise, Justice League when he suffered a family tragedy and was forced to quit. As a result, that movie was completed by Joss Whedon and suffered from even worse reviews than the previous two efforts. That led to the Snyder Cut campaign, which bore fruit when Warner Bros announced in May that Snyder's cut of the movie would release on HBO Max in March 2021. Despite this, DC Films head Walter Hamada says the studio sees the Snyder Cut as a dead-end and won't be exploring the director's vision for the characters following its release.
In response, fans are taking to Twitter to once again campaign for Snyder. The hashtag #RestoreTheSnyderVerse began trending. The hashtag features fans imploring DC to let Snyder complete his vision for the so-called SnyderVerse, and make his films canon again. Others were tweeting about the characters they'd like to see more of in any future movies.
While fans are optimistic they'll be able to change the minds of DC and Warner Bros. with a new campaign, it's unlikely this one will be as successful as the original Snyder Cut campaign was. Studio executives saw the potential in releasing the Snyder Cut to promote their new streaming service, HBO Max. However, with a release plan, which includes introducing the DC Multiverse in The Flash, as well as The Batman and a new version of The Suicide Squad incoming in 2021 and 2022, it's clear DC has a plan in place for the DCEU.
And, sadly for fans, that’s a pretty clear sign DC has moved on from the so-called SnyderVerse. The director, too, seems to have accepted that the Snyder Cut will be his final film with DC for a while, as he's already moving ahead with several projects, including a host with streaming service Netflix. So, despite the popularity of the hashtag on social media, it's most likely that the Justice League director's cut will the last fans will see of the SnyderVerse.
As most would know at this point, Zack Snyder did not intend for his DC universe to compete with the MCU, but as 5 films with a beginning and end, that would take inspiration from various comic series to form his own Justice League storyline. Zack’s original idea was to have a 5-film, Elseworlds-style, Superman-driven, Justice League film series, and we know what four of these films would be. This is where we guess and offer our ideas on the potential storyline of DC’s former Snyderverse, as well as some ideas on what the fifth film would have been. Some of these ideas are official or confirmed by Zack Snyder himself, while others are pure guesses.
  1. Man of Steel
The first installment in the Snyderverse is pretty much the same as the one released in 2013: a grounded take on Superman and his birth with small teases to the larger world Zack had in mind.
  1. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition)
It is inspired by The Dark Knight Returns and The Death of Superman comics. And the Ultimate Edition, a 3-hour epic that was never meant to give us classic takes on characters or follow a light tone as audiences expected. Just as it is now, the film teases the Justice League, the Knightmare world, time-traveling, Darkseid, and Steppenwolf. We are given a look at Batman’s past and the death of his sidekick, Robin, who Zack has confirmed was originally intended to be Dick Grayson. And towards the end, Superman dies, but his revival is hinted at.
  1. Justice League Part 1
The plot would be similar to the film released in 2017, but with a few key differences. It would follow Batman and Wonder Woman recruiting Cyborg, Aquaman, and The Flash to defeat Steppenwolf and stop him from retrieving the three Mother Boxes on Earth. And Steppenwolf wants the mother boxes because his mother’s spirit is literally inside those boxes, it would’ve helped him to get even more powerful than Darkseid himself!
Superman would be resurrected with his infamous black suit, but it is unclear whether he is resurrected by the League, or by Steppenwolf himself as a supporter of Darkseid. There’s also a possibility that the Green Lantern Corps would appear in a small role, teasing them for Justice League Part 2.
Zack has also confirmed that when Lois is killed in the original Snyderverse, Superman becomes susceptible to the Anti-Life Equation and turns evil under Darkseid’s influence. I think that this would have played into this film, and it would end with Superman taking down the League.
And The final scene would be the storyboard revealed by Zack Snyder: we see Darkseid opening a Mother Box, an explosion takes place that encompasses the entire planet, and we soon find Earth reflecting the Knightmare sequence from Batman v Superman.
  1. Justice League Part 2
This sequel would have been inspired by the Injustice comics, as confirmed by Zack. This film would basically be the entire Knightmare sequence in-depth: a Mad Max: Fury Road-styled event involving the League trying to break Superman away from Darkseid’s influence and defeat the ruler of Apokolips. And a Green Lantern, probably Hal Jordan, would be the 7th member of the League in this film.
It is possible that the death of Batman in that chamber seen in Batman v Superman would be a purposeful diversion to distract Superman, whose main goal would be to avenge Lois. This would buy enough time for the League to defeat Darkseid somehow. My guess is that this would be where The Flash goes back in time to warn Bruce, save Lois, and end Darkseid’s reign. This, of course, would have major repercussions.
In the end, all we see is that the Knightmare is over and The Flash has returned to the current timeline, and we are left unaware of the League’s status, or Darkseid’s whereabouts. Regardless, it would likely be made clear that something isn’t right, and a major issue remains. I’m not sure what this issue would be, unfortunately, but it is my belief that this would have to do with either the Flashpoint storyline.
  1. ??? (Maybe Flashpoint or Justice League Part 3)
This project was one of the most mysterious aspects of the Snyderverse, we were continually told about the films from Man of Steel to Justice League Part 2, but we were never told what exactly the final film was called or was about, aside from it supposedly tying together the entire Snyderverse.
And our guess is that after The Flash went back in time, we would see a Flashpoint-like situation where everything has changed, such as Jeffery Dean Morgan being Batman, but it would not follow the comics. Instead, Zack would create an alternate universe with the New Gods as villains that some form of the League must defeat. The film would end with characters like Batman coming to terms with their career and the losses they have faced, and Superman becoming the hero we all know and love. It remains to be revealed what Zack’s plans were, and we can only hope that Zack does inform fans at some point.
In a recent conversation on the ComicBook Debate YouTube show, Zack Snyder talked about his future in the DCEU. In the midst of 'restore the Snyderverse' fans campaign, he was asked if he would do more projects ahead. He said that he never thought he would be finishing his version of Justice League. The filmmaker stated that he has no issues with his project being an old movie on which he is working for years. Snyder mentioned that the DC Universe has gone and branched off and done its own thing which is fine for him. As far as what he did and his vision for what he wanted to do with these characters and the journey he wanted them to go on.
Zack Snyder asserted that it is well known that he planned on more movies, around five films or something (including Justice League 2), but he is busy now and has a lot going on. He admitted that it is cool and amazing that the fans have so much faith in the trajectory. The filmmaker expressed that he could not be happier and is excited for the fans to see Justice League so they can "really drink the entire elixir" of JL. He stated that he has no plan to continue in the DCEU. But noted that, 'who knows'' if his cut can see the light of the day and more things could take place.
Zack Snyder originally had big plans in the DCEU. He would have reportedly done a Man of Steel 2 with Henry Cavill, followed by Justice League 2 and 3, with a few more projects. However, the failure of the theatrical version of JL and the creative conflict led to his departure from Warner Bros Studios for quite a long time. Now as Zack Snyder's Justice League will be arriving soon, fans are eagerly waiting for what it has to offer. The project will be a four-hour-long miniseries consisting of never seen before footage.
With the Snyder Cut of the Justice League movie coming to HBO Max, many fans and even Zack Snyder himself hoped for the "Snyder Verse" to continue on the streaming service. However, now that may not be happening.
Following the Snyder Cut getting announced, all kinds of rumors and speculation hit the net regarding a "Snyder Verse" getting created on HBO Max that would involve Zack Snyder creating additional Justice League movies, with projects involving Ben Affleck back as Batman, Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke, Jared Leto as Joker, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, and more potentially in the works.
Zack has enthusiastically and excitably gone on record that he has ideas for a Justice League sequel involving Darkseid on Earth, and Zack even discussed how his Snyder Verse is part of the DC Multiverse, part of an Elseworld Multiverse.
The Hollywood trade sites even reported that if Zack Snyder's Justice League proves to be successful for HBO Max that it seems likely Zack Snyder would be able to two sequels to Justice League that would complete his five-film arc.
Ben Affleck is also being brought back as Batman for The Flash movie, which at first was thought to be building anticipation and hype for Affleck to do his own version of The Batman on HBO Max, but now it is being said the appearance is to just give the character a proper send-off. Two additional factors why the Snyder Verse might not be moving forward on HBO Max could be Wonder Woman 1984 and Ray fisher.
The Hollywood trades also reported that if Wonder Woman 1984 was a success on HBO Max it would help lead to other projects. Well, WW84 is downright awful and hasn't been received well by the critics and fans alike, and it doesn't seem as if the HBO Max release led to a heap of new subscribers (where's the big announcement from WB?), so WarnerMedia could be rethinking its strategy of what to release on HBO Max, which may include rethinking the release of its 17-movie slate in 2021 (producers, directors, actors are not happy at all).
Regarding Ray Fisher, Fisher recently blasted Walter Hamada following the NY Times interview and said he will never work on another film Hamada is involved with. Shortly after, WB extended Hamada's DC films deal, and now it's said Ray Fisher is not appearing in The Flash and that Cyborg has been completely written out of The Flash. Obviously, doing the math, WB went with Hamada over Fisher, which is a no brainer.
We can assume that if Zack Snyder was going to complete his two Justice League films for HBO Max that he would have wanted Fisher back as Cyborg - who Zack says is the heart of the Justice League - but it's likely WarnerMedia probably said Fisher can hit the high road, so as Zack wouldn't recast Cyborg, he is probably finally done with all the BS at WB and is done with DC.
Another issue could be Geoff Johns who has been said to have stabbed Snyder in the back and is responsible for Ben Affleck leaving the Batman role. Then again, if the Snyder Cut turns out to be a huge success in terms of new subscribers for HBO Max, anything could happen.
Please let me know your thoughts on these plot points and my speculation, if I missed anything, or if you have ideas you’d like to add (especially for the final movie). Thank you if you managed to get this far. And be sure to check our Instagram page for additional information and updates on the Snyderverse, as well as hilarious memes related to comics.
If you liked the content or our efforts, don’t forget to hit that upvote button and support us by subscribing to our YouTube channel! Since we're just starting out, it would really mean a lot to us if you guys show a little support. New content comes out every Friday!
submitted by unnecessarycomics to moviescirclejerk [link] [comments]

Exploring DC's Snyderverse: Past, Present, and Future

Not content with making the Snyder Cut a reality, fans are now campaigning for the SnyderVerse to be completed by Zack Snyder, the original Justice League director. #RestoreTheSnyderVerse Trends As Fans Campaign For Zack Snyder To Finish His DCEU Plan. So, in this post, we will explore what is the Snyderverse, and what was the original plan for Zack Snyder’s DC Superhero Universe. Please be sure to check out this post till the end to find out the latest updates and our speculations for the Snyderverse!
I know this is a long post, and it took me a lot of time to write, so I hope you will show this some love. If you are not a fan of reading this much, you can watch it in video format on our YouTube channel: The link to the video is: If you decide to watch this, please do not forget to like the video and subscribe to our channel for more such content! We are looking for some love and support from fellow comics lovers to grow. Let's start!
Zack Snyder rebooted the DC superhero universe with 2013's Man of Steel starring Henry Cavill as Superman. He followed this up with Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, introducing Ben Affleck's Batman and Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman. Both films suffered from mixed reviews, with many saying they were too dark, while others enjoyed the director's trademark take on the material.
Snyder was working on his third movie in the franchise, Justice League when he suffered a family tragedy and was forced to quit. As a result, that movie was completed by Joss Whedon and suffered from even worse reviews than the previous two efforts. That led to the Snyder Cut campaign, which bore fruit when Warner Bros announced in May that Snyder's cut of the movie would release on HBO Max in March 2021. Despite this, DC Films head Walter Hamada says the studio sees the Snyder Cut as a dead-end and won't be exploring the director's vision for the characters following its release.
In response, fans are taking to Twitter to once again campaign for Snyder. The hashtag #RestoreTheSnyderVerse began trending. The hashtag features fans imploring DC to let Snyder complete his vision for the so-called SnyderVerse, and make his films canon again. Others were tweeting about the characters they'd like to see more of in any future movies.
While fans are optimistic they'll be able to change the minds of DC and Warner Bros. with a new campaign, it's unlikely this one will be as successful as the original Snyder Cut campaign was. Studio executives saw the potential in releasing the Snyder Cut to promote their new streaming service, HBO Max. However, with a release plan, which includes introducing the DC Multiverse in The Flash, as well as The Batman and a new version of The Suicide Squad incoming in 2021 and 2022, it's clear DC has a plan in place for the DCEU.
And, sadly for fans, that’s a pretty clear sign DC has moved on from the so-called SnyderVerse. The director, too, seems to have accepted that the Snyder Cut will be his final film with DC for a while, as he's already moving ahead with several projects, including a host with streaming service Netflix. So, despite the popularity of the hashtag on social media, it's most likely that the Justice League director's cut will the last fans will see of the SnyderVerse.
As most would know at this point, Zack Snyder did not intend for his DC universe to compete with the MCU, but as 5 films with a beginning and end, that would take inspiration from various comic series to form his own Justice League storyline. Zack’s original idea was to have a 5-film, Elseworlds-style, Superman-driven, Justice League film series, and we know what four of these films would be. This is where we guess and offer our ideas on the potential storyline of DC’s former Snyderverse, as well as some ideas on what the fifth film would have been. Some of these ideas are official or confirmed by Zack Snyder himself, while others are pure guesses.
  1. Man of Steel
The first installment in the Snyderverse is pretty much the same as the one released in 2013: a grounded take on Superman and his birth with small teases to the larger world Zack had in mind.
  1. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition)
It is inspired by The Dark Knight Returns and The Death of Superman comics. And the Ultimate Edition, a 3-hour epic that was never meant to give us classic takes on characters or follow a light tone as audiences expected. Just as it is now, the film teases the Justice League, the Knightmare world, time-traveling, Darkseid, and Steppenwolf. We are given a look at Batman’s past and the death of his sidekick, Robin, who Zack has confirmed was originally intended to be Dick Grayson. And towards the end, Superman dies, but his revival is hinted at.
  1. Justice League Part 1
The plot would be similar to the film released in 2017, but with a few key differences. It would follow Batman and Wonder Woman recruiting Cyborg, Aquaman, and The Flash to defeat Steppenwolf and stop him from retrieving the three Mother Boxes on Earth. And Steppenwolf wants the mother boxes because his mother’s spirit is literally inside those boxes, it would’ve helped him to get even more powerful than Darkseid himself!
Superman would be resurrected with his infamous black suit, but it is unclear whether he is resurrected by the League, or by Steppenwolf himself as a supporter of Darkseid. There’s also a possibility that the Green Lantern Corps would appear in a small role, teasing them for Justice League Part 2.
Zack has also confirmed that when Lois is killed in the original Snyderverse, Superman becomes susceptible to the Anti-Life Equation and turns evil under Darkseid’s influence. I think that this would have played into this film, and it would end with Superman taking down the League.
And The final scene would be the storyboard revealed by Zack Snyder: we see Darkseid opening a Mother Box, an explosion takes place that encompasses the entire planet, and we soon find Earth reflecting the Knightmare sequence from Batman v Superman.
  1. Justice League Part 2
This sequel would have been inspired by the Injustice comics, as confirmed by Zack. This film would basically be the entire Knightmare sequence in-depth: a Mad Max: Fury Road-styled event involving the League trying to break Superman away from Darkseid’s influence and defeat the ruler of Apokolips. And a Green Lantern, probably Hal Jordan, would be the 7th member of the League in this film.
It is possible that the death of Batman in that chamber seen in Batman v Superman would be a purposeful diversion to distract Superman, whose main goal would be to avenge Lois. This would buy enough time for the League to defeat Darkseid somehow. My guess is that this would be where The Flash goes back in time to warn Bruce, save Lois, and end Darkseid’s reign. This, of course, would have major repercussions.
In the end, all we see is that the Knightmare is over and The Flash has returned to the current timeline, and we are left unaware of the League’s status, or Darkseid’s whereabouts. Regardless, it would likely be made clear that something isn’t right, and a major issue remains. I’m not sure what this issue would be, unfortunately, but it is my belief that this would have to do with either the Flashpoint storyline.
  1. ??? (Maybe Flashpoint or Justice League Part 3)
This project was one of the most mysterious aspects of the Snyderverse, we were continually told about the films from Man of Steel to Justice League Part 2, but we were never told what exactly the final film was called or was about, aside from it supposedly tying together the entire Snyderverse.
And our guess is that after The Flash went back in time, we would see a Flashpoint-like situation where everything has changed, such as Jeffery Dean Morgan being Batman, but it would not follow the comics. Instead, Zack would create an alternate universe with the New Gods as villains that some form of the League must defeat. The film would end with characters like Batman coming to terms with their career and the losses they have faced, and Superman becoming the hero we all know and love. It remains to be revealed what Zack’s plans were, and we can only hope that Zack does inform fans at some point.
In a recent conversation on the ComicBook Debate YouTube show, Zack Snyder talked about his future in the DCEU. In the midst of 'restore the Snyderverse' fans campaign, he was asked if he would do more projects ahead. He said that he never thought he would be finishing his version of Justice League. The filmmaker stated that he has no issues with his project being an old movie on which he is working for years. Snyder mentioned that the DC Universe has gone and branched off and done its own thing which is fine for him. As far as what he did and his vision for what he wanted to do with these characters and the journey he wanted them to go on.
Zack Snyder asserted that it is well known that he planned on more movies, around five films or something (including Justice League 2), but he is busy now and has a lot going on. He admitted that it is cool and amazing that the fans have so much faith in the trajectory. The filmmaker expressed that he could not be happier and is excited for the fans to see Justice League so they can "really drink the entire elixir" of JL. He stated that he has no plan to continue in the DCEU. But noted that, 'who knows'' if his cut can see the light of the day and more things could take place.
Zack Snyder originally had big plans in the DCEU. He would have reportedly done a Man of Steel 2 with Henry Cavill, followed by Justice League 2 and 3, with a few more projects. However, the failure of the theatrical version of JL and the creative conflict led to his departure from Warner Bros Studios for quite a long time. Now as Zack Snyder's Justice League will be arriving soon, fans are eagerly waiting for what it has to offer. The project will be a four-hour-long miniseries consisting of never seen before footage.
With the Snyder Cut of the Justice League movie coming to HBO Max, many fans and even Zack Snyder himself hoped for the "Snyder Verse" to continue on the streaming service. However, now that may not be happening.
Following the Snyder Cut getting announced, all kinds of rumors and speculation hit the net regarding a "Snyder Verse" getting created on HBO Max that would involve Zack Snyder creating additional Justice League movies, with projects involving Ben Affleck back as Batman, Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke, Jared Leto as Joker, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, and more potentially in the works.
Zack has enthusiastically and excitably gone on record that he has ideas for a Justice League sequel involving Darkseid on Earth, and Zack even discussed how his Snyder Verse is part of the DC Multiverse, part of an Elseworld Multiverse.
The Hollywood trade sites even reported that if Zack Snyder's Justice League proves to be successful for HBO Max that it seems likely Zack Snyder would be able to two sequels to Justice League that would complete his five-film arc.
Ben Affleck is also being brought back as Batman for The Flash movie, which at first was thought to be building anticipation and hype for Affleck to do his own version of The Batman on HBO Max, but now it is being said the appearance is to just give the character a proper send-off. Two additional factors why the Snyder Verse might not be moving forward on HBO Max could be Wonder Woman 1984 and Ray fisher.
The Hollywood trades also reported that if Wonder Woman 1984 was a success on HBO Max it would help lead to other projects. Well, WW84 is downright awful and hasn't been received well by the critics and fans alike, and it doesn't seem as if the HBO Max release led to a heap of new subscribers (where's the big announcement from WB?), so WarnerMedia could be rethinking its strategy of what to release on HBO Max, which may include rethinking the release of its 17-movie slate in 2021 (producers, directors, actors are not happy at all).
Regarding Ray Fisher, Fisher recently blasted Walter Hamada following the NY Times interview and said he will never work on another film Hamada is involved with. Shortly after, WB extended Hamada's DC films deal, and now it's said Ray Fisher is not appearing in The Flash and that Cyborg has been completely written out of The Flash. Obviously, doing the math, WB went with Hamada over Fisher, which is a no brainer.
We can assume that if Zack Snyder was going to complete his two Justice League films for HBO Max that he would have wanted Fisher back as Cyborg - who Zack says is the heart of the Justice League - but it's likely WarnerMedia probably said Fisher can hit the high road, so as Zack wouldn't recast Cyborg, he is probably finally done with all the BS at WB and is done with DC.
Another issue could be Geoff Johns who has been said to have stabbed Snyder in the back and is responsible for Ben Affleck leaving the Batman role. Then again, if the Snyder Cut turns out to be a huge success in terms of new subscribers for HBO Max, anything could happen.
Please let me know your thoughts on these plot points and my speculation, if I missed anything, or if you have ideas you’d like to add (especially for the final movie). Thank you if you managed to get this far. And be sure to check our Instagram page for additional information and updates on the Snyderverse, as well as hilarious memes related to comics.
If you liked the content or our efforts, don’t forget to hit that upvote button and support us by subscribing to our YouTube channel! Since we're just starting out, it would really mean a lot to us if you guys show a little support. New content comes out every Friday!
submitted by unnecessarycomics to SnyderCut214 [link] [comments]

[Sun, Dec 27 2020] TL;DR — This is what you missed in the last 24 hours on Reddit


A Bangladeshi film director has been arrested and charged after a scene in "Nabab LLB", a fictional courtroom drama about rape and the treatment of victims depicted police harshly interrogating a rape victim and highlighting attitudes towards violence against women in the conservative nation
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Ketamine may ease depression by restoring the brain’s sensitivity to prediction error. In other words, the drug may help to alleviate depression by making it easier for patients to update their model of reality.
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According to a new analysis , one out of every eight leading, peer-reviewed studies on nutrition is tied to food industry. "Where the food industry is involved, research findings are nearly six times more likely to be favourable to their interests than when there is no food industry involvement."
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The brains of binge-drinkers have to work harder to feel empathy for others. The binge-drinking participants struggled more when trying to adopt the perspective of another person experiencing the pain: they took more time and effort to appreciate how intensely another person would feel pain.
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On Tuesday night I captured my clearest image of the moon ever by blending over 100,000 images, captured with a telescope in pristine conditions. Make sure you zoom in to properly experience it. [OC]
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I captured this live video of Saturn through an 11 inch telescope. This is unprocessed raw data of the planet as the camera captured it. usually I'd do a stack to the video but this one is just too cool to process :)
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The Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn all framed in a Christmas Tree cloud. An image made of 2000 images (Composite image) [OC]
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Redditors who have lost The Game. How?
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You’ve died and arrived at a train station to your afterlife. The trains are “animals”, “traditional Heaven”, “rebirth”, and “eternal nothingness”...Which train do you take and why?
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TIL scientists developed an experimental "universal treatment" for allergies. While still being tested, it works by wrapping allergens in a nanoparticle which sneaks it past the immune system. This helps the body understand it to be harmless. They so far successfully cured mice with egg allergies.
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TIL Frederick the Great, Prussian Monarch from 1740 to 1786, known for his tactical genius on the battlefield, is considered by historians to be primarily homosexual in orientation. Following a demoralizing defeat, he wrote "Fortune has it in for me; she is a woman, and I am not that way inclined."
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TIL, Hatshepsut was the most successful female pharaoh of ancient Egypt. But after her death, her successor destroyed her statues to obliterate her memory.
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[OC] Interaction Intensity in the Simpsons
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[OC] Amount of Each Mario Enemy During Playthrough, Visualized
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Can we make a push for every recipe to include weights for all ingredients?
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What is a dish that you had while traveling that (you think) you’ve managed to recreate at home?
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[Homemade] Fresh fettuccine
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[Homemade] - Spicy Chicken Sandwich
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[Homemade] Bacon lattice topped quiche
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A Bangladeshi film director has been arrested and charged after a scene in "Nabab LLB", a fictional courtroom drama, depicted police harshly interrogating a rape victim and highlighting attitudes towards violence against women in the conservative nation sparked the ire of the force.
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A consistently-great actor for over 30 years, Mark Strong has made a career out of playing sinister-looking spies, villains, assassins, and morally compromised doctors. Looking back at the memorable roles that defined his career.
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Total Recall (1990)
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Portrait, me, charcoal and white ink, 2020
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Amazon Warrior, Mike Franchina, Digital, 2020
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Woman holding fruit, me, 24x30 inches oils on canvas, 2020
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AEW wrestler Brodie Lee(aka Luke Harper in WWE has passed away at the age of 41
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‘Peaky Blinders’ star Finn Cole: “Season six could be ready by the end of next year.”
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The Mandalorian: Robert Rodriguez used his sons' Star Wars action figures to map out Boba Fett's return in Season 2
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Didn’t get any gifts for Christmas except from my landlord. Has no idea I’ve been struggling lately.
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Well, back to video games and beer
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Memorial to the Medics Who Lost Their Lives Fighting COVID
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Makes life feel like it's just a simulation
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The most accurate balloon assassin
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Just floating 250 miles above the earth
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Due to the difference in prescription/lens thickness, my left glasses lens (-3) defogs more quickly than my right lens (-5)
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This Snowman in Indian Traditional Dress
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My new Illinois toll pass was wrapped in foil so it wouldn’t get charged for any tolls on its’ journey to me.
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Hi! Remember me? The white blood cell immunotherapy girl? Well, update: IT WORKED. Stage 4 to NO CANCER in 3 months! Zero evidence of disease at 3mo scan, and staying that way. Science is magic. (link to og post in comments)
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Victorian England (1901)
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Infinity table in the making, by Logan Wilson.
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My gf left this warning for me on my pillow
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"I'm gonna pass out hahaha"
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The real King in the North
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Same cat eyes: Day vs Night
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Little girl sees her mommy clearly for the first time
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If you’re not paying attention to him, he stands on the coffee table and makes funny faces.
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Random Subreddit of the day: cars

These are its 3 top posts of all time:
Will pee damage tires?
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Just accidentally put diesel in my car. How fucked am I?
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In 2018, the United States will require all vehicle manufacturers to allow independent shops access to dealer level diagnostic software. You will no longer be forced to go to the dealer!
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submitted by _call-me-al_ to RedditTLDR [link] [comments]

which actor who played the joker died video

The actor, who played Screech on the '90s sitcom, died on ... Every Actor Who's Played The Joker In Live Action - YouTube Amazing Actor Heath Ledger Died Because Of Joker Character ... Heath Ledger Wanted To Play The Joker Again - YouTube Actors Who Never Recovered After Their Co-Star Died - YouTube Why Actors Take Playing The Joker So Seriously - YouTube Due to acting, Hollywood actor went into depression Heath Ledger joker, the dark night, dc How Playing The Joker Changed Heath Ledger For Good - YouTube 6 Home Alone Actors Who Have Sadly Died - YouTube Top 3 Actors Who Played The Joker And What ... - YouTube

Given that four live action actors and 10 voice actors who have played the Joker are still alive, I don’t see how this could possibly be true. Of those that have died: * Heath Ledger - accidental drug overdose * Lennie Weinrib - stroke (age 71) * Without doubt the most celebrated portrayal of the Joker ever (at least until now), Ledger posthumously won an Oscar for his deeply sinister and deeply disturbing portrayal of the Joker. Ledger died after filming wrapped but before the film was released, adding to the mystique of the character. To date, out of all the voice actors, stunt doubles, live-action portrayals, and such to have played The Joker both on and off the screen, only two have died and both unrelated from The Joker role. These two are Cesar Romero from the 1966 Adam West Batman series and Heath Ledger from the Dark Knight. Heath Ledger kept a chilling diary in preparation for his Oscar-winning portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight. The Australian actor died of an accidental overdose of a combination of Heath Ledger died due to accidental drug overdose. Reports even suggested that the actor was depressed after playing Joker in The Dark Knight. The character took a toll on his mentally and The Joker: See all the actors who've played the DC Comics villain. Heath Ledger, Jared Leto, Mark Hamill. Can you name all the performers who've played the Joker in movies, TV shows and video games? Ledger is the only actor to receive an Academy Award for his portrayal of the Joker, which was awarded shortly after his death at the age of 28. Director Christopher Nolan has said that Ledger's striking performance came from his strong interest in the character . Credit: Walter McBride/WireImage; DC Comics. Michael Emerson, 63, best known for his inscrutable role as Ben on the hit series Lost (2004-2010), plays an older, crazier joker determined to bring Since Heath's part as the Joker in The Dark Knight was the last film role he completed — and his darkest by far — fans have rather inevitably linked it to his tragic death. Snagging a role like the Joker is something that can make or break your career. It's a daunting task and easy to mess up. But what happens after you wash all the green dye out of your hair? From Cesar Romero to Joaquin Phoenix, here's where all the actors who've played the Joker are today.

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The actor, who played Screech on the '90s sitcom, died on ...

Heath Ledger's untimely death sparked all kinds of rumors that transformed the actor's performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight into the stuff of legend. ... Bell remembered: "As you see in the film, Batman started to beat the Joker and felt that this is not your usual animosity. Because the more I beat him the more he enjoys. The more I am giving her ... When a beloved actor dies, millions of people who didn't even know them grieve in their own way. But for their co-stars, showing up to work without the perso... These Actors Went Through Major Transformations To Play DC's JokerSubscribe to our channel: Phoenix is the lates... In this video we go over famous actors who played The Joker on screen and what happened to the actors after they did . For more videos on actor transformations,... Heath Ledger's brilliant, Oscar-winning performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight could have been just the beginning.In an interview with News Australia, t... Since 1990, six actors who appeared in Home Alone have sadly passed away. This is their stories. Music - "I Don't Want To Do This Without You" by 'Late Night... Every live-action Joker actor explained. Amazing Actor Heath Ledger Died Because Of Joker Character How Heath Ledger Died In Hindi#HeathLedger #DuniyaDaari #JokerCharacter #AmazingActor The actor, who played Screech on the '90s sitcom, died on Monday at age 44.💖 Please Subscribe:

which actor who played the joker died

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